My cat has been acting like a goat
Over the past few weeks, I've noticed that my cat exhibits more goat-like traits than one would expect from a small, furry creature such as itself. For one thing, he likes to head-butt everything he can reach - from cupboards to wooden posts to peoples legs. Often I am awoken at night by the resultant 'BANG!' of it hitting its head against my closet door (yes it bangs that hard). Secondly, when he's confronted by another cat or animal of similar size, he stands up on his back legs and arches his back like a rearing horse, he can only do it for a few short seconds, though, before he's forced to retreat or, depending on his opponents size, give it a good butt. The other thing is the amount of grass it eats. I know cats do eat grass when they get sick, but my cat does it a hell of a lot more than I've ever seen from any other cat. Could it just be sick a lot? Or perhaps it likes the taste? It also eats corn and for some reason, Macdonalds fries.
is it normal for a cat to display such behaviour?