My cat humps stuffed animals!

It's nasty! But is it normal? He's fixed too.

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82% Normal
Based on 208 votes (171 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • glasswilderness

    Yeah my male cat does too. He only humps this one teddy bear I least he's monogamous.

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  • roflol That is fuckin' hillarious!!!

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  • mieoux

    @DeBernieGrr - dude you have a zoo in your house!

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  • Vortexjobe

    My cat humps all kinds of things; people, animals, other cats, bottles, fake fish; You name it, he humps it.

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    • raincoat

      lol funny XD

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  • strangeone5727

    they have nothing else to hump and they're extremely horny cause they're fixed.

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  • EdgeFencer

    I thought felines were more decent than that..

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  • hopelesslover13

    normal i guess i was going to say get him fixed but now i think he needs a lady cat. my cat is fixed and he makes the motion as tho he is going to spray. he always tries to mark his territory and thinks he does but doesnt.

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  • normal

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  • jellokatt

    my previous cat (male and fixed) and my current cat (also male and fixed) both hump/humped stuffed animals.

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  • lambertluver

    I have 2 girl labodor retrievers. They are both fixed the older on humps the younger one. And now the younger one is humping her!

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  • bdzz123

    Wow I've seen dogs hump stuff but not cats...I guess it's normal...every animal has urges...even

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  • Pokemon_rok569

    i live in a pineapple under the sea!

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  • DeBernieGrr

    I have two male cats, José and Thomas. José prefers to hump the stuffed frog I gave him, and Thomas loves him some Happy the stuffed hippo. José abandoned Mrs. Frog when the neighbors started offering up their female cats so that they could get José's desirable traits. A tom doesn't need a frog once he's discovered queens. Thomas still humps Happy. My rabbit, Bernard Grr, humps...strangely enough... my huge stuffed pink rabbit, and my female Chihuahua Tinkerbell like to try to get busy with my arm when I'm sleeping. I had a handsome ginger tabby cat named Skrinkle who would pop a rocket when he heard sponge bob or cow auctions on TV and like himself. Maybe I just have really horny fur children, but humans masturbate, and that's normal. Same thing kinda

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  • Chonga

    My chick mate humps teddie's...your cats normal!

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  • arrowhead

    yeah, my female one even humps the male dog. in fact, the male doesn't even bother. i think it's more like "showing whose the boss here"

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  • ihateyourgirlfriend

    my girl dog does that too
    with anythign that moves!
    her name was cookie but i changed it too cocky

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  • luffymaxxie

    My dog does that and he's fixed..... So its normal I guess....

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