My cats chew the f*** outta my carpets
pls help they destroy my carpets ps: I live in an apartment
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pls help they destroy my carpets ps: I live in an apartment
Yes, it's normal. Cats love the texture of carpet. One of my cats likes to chew things, and she occasionally chews the carpet. Maybe putting lemon or hot pepper on the carpet will stop them from scratching it. Or get rid of the carpets. And don't listen to the morons who tell you to get rid of the cat.
No it's not normal.
But at least it's your cat who is not normal, and not you.
Your cats probably need some kind of chew toy. I had some plants on my tv that my cats destroyed and it turned out they just need grass to eat and that fixed they destroying my plants. This, I'm thinking is the same sort of deal.
Poor kiddies didnt do nuffin to you guys! I hope you're all reincarnated as cats and some bastard comes along to beat you with a shovel. People do some pretty mean shit to cats and they're help less creatures, at least leave them be.
Mine loves to chew on flip flops or any shoes that are rubber. They look like a puppy has chewed them not a cat. Some cats are just quirky. Deal with it I do cause l love him
Get one of those cardboard screening pads from walmart and sprinkle catkip on it. Cats have a natural need to scratch to sharpen their claws. You can't stop their instincts, just give them what they need, that way they dint find their own things to play with. Sometimes black pepper or sprays help make them not want to touch the area. It gets on their paws when they lick them, and they are smart and know where they pick that kind of stuff up.
Don't listen to penpal, he's got a heart of lead. The cats sound bored, if possible get rid of carpet, it's dirty also
It sounds like they are bored get them toys or a scratching post if you haven't already. Maybe try getting them a new toy cats are intellegent and can get bored with old toys. If you have these try forms of punishment like others have suggested.
Lemon/orange spray sometimes works too...they dont like the citrus smell.
If its the same few spots then try spraying them with white vinegar....if you can put up with the smell, they cant!
There are also sprays they sell in pet shops that deter cats but not always work.
hope this helps
If they are strictly indoor cats (and you don't need them for mice duty, LOL!) you may consider having them declawed. Talk with your vet.
Get rid of it and take it to a shelter. If you were dumb enough to actually purchase that overgrown vermin you can pay for the carpets.
Take the cat out back and put her down. Old school style. You could beat it with a shovel. I'm just kidding. But for real I hate cats. If you have a ceiling fan tie the cats tail to the fan and turn it on high.