My cats, iin?

I often get worried about letting my cats out, even though it's part of cat ownership.

When I got my first cat I was living in a close and it was quiet but we moved to a house with a busy but average two lane road, I've been in the house for 3 years and never had a problem, I often look out the kitchen window and see our cats playing in the garden or sitting on the sheds of neighbouring gardens, also it's rare that I will whistle for them and not see them within 30 seconds so I think they have a relatively short area they go.

Despite this the thought often crosses my kind that they won't come back, I'll spend hours worrying and feeling anxious only for them to burst in through the cat flap to demolish their food, also very, very occasionally the older cat of the two has been out the front.

So, is it normal to regularly get anxious over letting your cats out

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79% Normal
Based on 38 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • green_boogers

    It's a trade off. More danger for a life richer with experience. I would have the same anxiety.

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  • noid

    If your cats are used to being out and enjoy it it would probably be hard to train them to be indoors only. I know it would be with mine anyway.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I never let my cat out unsupervised because he's a purebreed and I don't want him to get abducted. We go out in the backyard together, he has a leash and a stroller. When I workout I can put him in the stroller and take him along.

    One of the most awesome things about having a Siamese cat is that he's quite dog like in nature, a very doting companion who follows me everywhere and always wants to sit in my lap. My Andrew is so smart and I've even taught him some basic dog obedience.

    One of my favorite memories with my best friend is that we were in the backyard together last summer and he found an injured desert finch. I knew something was up when I saw Andrew stalking towards this brushy area between our nectarine tree and the picture window. Well, I told him no of course, and I only had to tell him once! When I picked up the poor little bird I could see he he was dirty, his beak was still covered in nectarine pulp and he couldn't stand straight or hold his head up very well. I tried my best to nurse him back to health but he died the next morning. Earlier on the day I found him there were lots of little, happy birds in our nectarine tree, singing, hopping about, eating their fill and flying around. I'm pretty sure the poor little dude flew hard and fast right into the window giving himself a serious head injury. After he died I buried him under that tree with Andrew by my side to keep me company.

    I don't know what I would do if I lost my Siamese cat. The majority of cats and even dogs probably would have tortured the little bird and or have eaten him. I have an obedient, true companion which can be very hard to come by and even the canine variation is somewhat rare.

    So as far as I'm concerned it's totally normal to keep a good cat indoors.

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    • Tommythecat.

      Wall of isabell text!

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      • RoseIsabella

        All for the love of my Siamese cat, Andrew!

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        • NurseDiesel

          Awww you tried to nurse the dirty little birdy. This reminds me of me in so many ways =} *paws up to Andrew too!* meow!!!

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  • pancakesorwaffles

    My cat never came bck I still don't know what happened to him:(

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    • RoseIsabella

      I'm sorry to hear that. I lost a lovely, ginger cat called Sophia when I was in my teens. Then when I was 22 I had a blue merle Shetland sheepdog that disappeared. I'm pretty sure they were both stolen so my pets are strictly indoors.

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    • gummy_jr

      How long has poor kitty been gone? :(

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  • Aliceee93

    Cats will always come back.
    When we had cats we used to let them out all night for 20+ years and they were always there in the morning.

    Also out farm cats are always wondering off but they always come back :)

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    • I was concerned more for them being hit by a car or snatched by a Fox though

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      • disthing

        Most cats can go toe-to-toe with a fox and win, since foxes are pussies unless they're up against chickens.

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      • Riddler

        You know not all owners have cats that regularly go outside and inside. Some people have only inside cats. Some cats do die or get injured when you let them outside. Be it an accident they get into or snatched up by wild life. Which in fact a friend of mine complained about. Said they kept getting more cats since they kept getting snatched by coyotes. Also if your so concerned you can just take them out on a leash everyday than bring them back in.

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      • cuppycake1228

        I'd be less concerned about foxes and much more concerned about coyotes. Coyotes will take down a dog, no problem. Everything can carry rabies though. Hopefully your cats are up-to-date on their vaccinations.

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        • Luckily no coyotes in the uk

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      • Aliceee93

        Cats are clever, it would be unlucky if that happened

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    • cuppycake1228

      Cats do NOT always come back. In fact, they're much more likely than dogs to run away and never return. It's cute that yours always do, but that is not the norm.

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      • xx'

        It is definitely the norm for cats to come back, most people in the UK have 'cat flap' back doors and the cats come and go as they please. I've taken mine to a camp site, they just explored up to the woods and didn't go very far. There are a few cases of cats disappearing but they are uncommon (half the people in the street have cats and I've heard of happening once), apparently it happens to families that aren't very nice to their pets.

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      • Aliceee93

        Oh okay, well we have had loads of cats and they have never run off or been taken by foxes, and I live in a rural area.

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  • cuppycake1228

    Just keep your cats indoors. They live longer, anyway. Sounds like you may have anxiety in general. Everything else in your life going okay?

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    • I don't really like the idea of cats being indoors only, it feels like taking away the rights of cats, they need the outside, they need the territory, I don't really agree with keeping cats indoors, plus they've had access to the outside whenever they want ( except at night) all of their lives even if I wanted to I couldn't suddenly change that, it wouldn't be right.
      As for your other question, no, pretty much hate my life right now, and I do have problems with anxiety but it seemed to be clearing up, now I'm worried about this too

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