My doctor is a 'no' if you ask for pain pills?

but, for certain people, he gives them quickly.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • Grunewald

    Idk you can't go too far wrong with paracetamol as long as you respect the dosage.

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    • profanity

      Its a weak painkiller.

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      • Grunewald

        I get what you mean. Ibuprofen is a step up from paracetamol if that doesn't do the job.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Doctors unfortunately need to try alternatives before they put you on pain medication. Far too many people would go to a clinic to get their "fix" otherwise.

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  • sweetone89

    Most doctors are like that, unfortunately. If you need pain relief for a pulled back, etc. I'd suggest visiting an urgent care center

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    • taebby22

      I would disagree about visiting urgent care, unless OP does have pain emergency. The ER is probably better. In my experience with urgent care, they just think you're seeking drugs. Your own doctor or an ER can be more professional. It sounds like OP might need to switch doctors if they're not providing the right care.

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      • sweetone89

        Honestly, it is difficult to find any doctor who will prescribe pain medicines.
        I fired my doctor because she gave me a prescription NSAID...WHEN SHE KNEW OTC NSAIDS cause me to have rectal bleeding!
        I dropped her like a hot potato because I'm not going to be sitting at home in severe back pain (when I manage to pull it out a few times a year),take her prescription NSAIDS and maybe have a rectal hemorrhage because she is too scared of the DEA to write a short term (less than a week) narcotic.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Stay away from the opioids!

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  • profanity

    Grow ur own opium plants.

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    • LloydAsher

      I know right? It's not that hard to make morphine. Heronin by comparison is a harder process.

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      • profanity

        Idk about "making" morphine synthetically(its a fairly complex molecule).
        I read somewhere that a huge farm of opium plants is required to make a brick sized quantity of morphine. If you have morphine you can easily make heroin (its a derivative of morphine).

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        • LloydAsher

          You dont need a brick of morphine though. Just a couple ml.

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  • LloydAsher

    Too many opioid addicts for doctors to prescribe them willy nilly now adays.

    My father who's an ER doctor judges around 30% of the people who come in for pain are faking it for meds.

    Then again since hes an ER doctor those who do come in, it's pretty obvious why they are in pain.

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    • profanity

      Opioids are banned here. No one can get it(except maybe in hospital setting). I have never seen an opioid in my life.

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      • LloydAsher

        I mean you can legally grow poppy plants yes?

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        • profanity

          Its illegal to grow them in big quantities( at least over here). A few plants are ok.

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