My dog as seen a ghost.
About two months ago, my two yr old dog, woke me crying. I went to the living area to find her moaning and seemed to be frozen in her tracks. She wouldn't come to me. I went to her and gently pulled her into my bedroom, she was fine with that. Since then, this happens at least 4-5 times a week in different rooms.Last night she was frozen in the kitchen, again I walked her out and she was fine. She seems afraid to move. Nothing has changed in this 68 yr old house with furniture, etc. I have been here four yrs. There have been episodes of decor falling from the wall or votive candle holders also falling from a decorative shelve. I have seen a ghost of my Mother at my lake house 30 years ago. I haven't seen her here or anywhere else. Please help with my baby girl. I saw post from several years ago, maybe there is some new finding.