My dog bites his toe nails! iin
Well my dog always bites his toe nails! IIN?
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Well my dog always bites his toe nails! IIN?
I dont think he is chewing his nails. He might be grooming his nails. Its not like they can file and paint them like we do.
It might be seperation depression. There are special dogs to help your dog through seperation depression. Its basicaly depression from being away from its mother, brothers, sisters.
Maybe your Dog has a Depression. Have fundamental circumstances changed recently in Your household?
A friend's Dog did that, Too. And the Doctor said its because of their Breaking off; the Dog couldnt cope with the fact that from now on One family member just wouldn't be there anymore.
I dunno if you should allow your dog to do that as he could cause damage to his own skin, fur and nails. Maybe your dog has hotspots there, or maybe there is an issue with the nails. You should look into it, maybe ask your vet. In the meantime they sell this stuff at the pet supply store called sour apple I think, you just spray it on the area and he should stop chewing on it. I knew a dog that would chew on his own foot to the point where he would bleed. This was an anxiety issue that he had. Poor guy always had to wear a cone around his neck when left alone.
You think that's bad; I once caught my dog chewing on her whole paw so hard that I heard it, like, crunching. I was horrified but she quickly cut that habit out. Anyway, as long as your dog isn't bleeding everywhere, which is what would happen if the nails are bitten down too far, then I guess it's okay.
Some dogs do that, & it saves on grooming costs...he/she ctrims their own nails! Haha