My dog drank my pee...seriously

You know how dogs like to fallow their owners into the bathroom while they "Do their business"? Well my dog does that all the time. Except recently, he started licking at the stream while im sitting down peeing, and he wont stop until its all out. Is this bad for his health? Hes a dog. Im a 17 year old female by the way.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Firsttaste

    I really don't see it a big deal,However I think you enjoy it just as much as he does,Just be ready for his next move he might try humping you,Be very Discreet about what he is doing.My ex girlfriend used to play with are male dog and had no idea I knew it.

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  • NiceGirl69

    That's hot and I let my dog do the same thing

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    • Jebach72718

      add me on snapchat siccar00 and show me

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  • SwaveySavage

    Pee is sterile. Also dogs would drink/eat anything so hes good.

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    • Medic41

      You are correct, in a way. Urine is sterile to the person it comes out of. That being said, urine is a way of voiding toxins and waste products from your body, and as such, is NOT a healthy thing to drink. Will small amounts hurt? Probably not a whole lot, but you should still probably put an end to this.

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  • CoolBlade

    This is a above and beyond question and answer but I have to say that dogs tongues and mouth if they are healthy and well taken care off can lick wounds clean and help you heal, So with that said I was watching this documentary on Wolves, (Tremendously amazing dogs)in this documentary they had a camera inside the wolves den. Obviously most documentaries will not show you the little pups poop and pee but this one was the scientific channel one that does not hold back. So what does the mother to do if the babies are constantly pooping peeing? throwing up? First she turns into a cartoon then gets a mop and bucket and cleans it up LOL. The truth? She licks it all up! It all depends on the digestive system, never let them eat or lick chocolate or they will diarrhea all over your house and possibly die. Another reason why i see some homeless people with dogs could possibly be they might lick there owners clean from poop from there bum. Dogs love to groom themselves and there owners, I tell you what it might sound EWWWW disgusting but its actually natural.

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  • DV8Guy60

    A lot of dogs would enjoy eating your poo too! Australian Aboriginals dogs would keep their kids bums clean (In the tribal camps). No need for nappies!

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  • FeralDefiance

    It's not going to hurt him, but why do you let him?

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  • Dan13309

    Sounds like you like your dogs tongue licking that close to your hoo hoo. You should probably not let your dog do that

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