My dog swallowed a tampon

My mom put a tampon in the garbage and then a few minutes later yelled about the dogs eating it.
I then went online to lookup if its bad if a dog eats a tampon and apparently it can be pretty serious. I followed instructions put on veterinary sites to induce vomiting with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Both dogs have vomited, but I haven't been able to find the tampon in either of their pukes. What should I do?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Ellenna

    Without getting into too much yucky detail, was the tampon was used and expanded to its fullest extent? If not and there was still room for expansion I can see why that could cause a very nasty obstruction in your dog.

    If I were you I'd stop guessing and asking questions on the internet and get your dog (or dogs?) to the vet AND in future make sure they don't have access to your garbage bin

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  • brookelexx

    wait for it to pass. if they aren’t pooping or keep vomiting, or even have diarrhea, it could be obstructing their GI tract which is not good. take them to the vet then. keep them hydrated, and just keep an eye on their stool. if they are large dogs it will probably just pass but still keep an eye on it. good luck!

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    • Okay, thanks!

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  • Nickvey

    my vet says to take him out for some pussy.

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  • zpadd

    Or just let him get the pussy I'm sure he like your lady bits kik me if u want to talk juliopaco

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  • S12207

    Ya my dog used to break into my laundry and eat my underwear...prettt gross, but he always passed them. The longest it took was 3 days so just keep an eye on him

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    • Ellenna

      Undies don't expand on contact with liquid, unlike tampons so that's not a legitimate comparison

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      • S12207

        I agree that undies don't expand when in contact with liquid, but as far as the comparison in this situation they are comparable. You're acting like a tampon expands the size of a balloon, and they do not. They pass through the same systems and if either were to get stuck in a pets system, they take the same exact procedures. How do I know This? My dog swallowed tampons too and I made the same phone calls. You're really getting annoying. Are you following my comments or something?

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