My dog won't stop biting and stealing, iin?

Hi there everyone! As you can see by my title, my dog won't stop biting and stealing. She is a 1 year old female Basset Hound. Her jaws are about the size of a lab and bites very, very, VERY hard.

Well, lets just say the biting started- and never stopped. She bites us whenever she can and won't stop, even if you tell her "no" and even hit her. She's drawn blood before and even when she doesn't it still hurts a lot.
But it doesn't end there- we have a doggie door for her and an enormous backyard. When we go back there she gets a running start at us and bites,tackles, and claws us.

But wait! There's more! She steals, counter surfs, what ever you want to call it. And since we have a doggie door, whatever she steals is cursed to a grassy-doom in the backyard. Every day when my younger sister and I get home from school we have to check they backyard for any stolen objects. This is a list of a few things she's stolen:

Fruits (pineapples,watermelons etc.)
action figures (MY action figure dragon)
zip-lock bags
baby teeth (my sister's)
halloween decorations
So any way, she really scares my little sister and any one who comes over. I'm thinking about asking my parents to may be get rid of her. Should she be labled dangerous by the city? Should we get rid of her? What do you think? Please help me!

Additional information about my dog:
well fed
never been exposed to severe violence
hates being left alone
howls in the middle of the night

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43% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • crissyabear

    She seems bored. Is she biting while jumping up and playing? Could be she is too rough in her play. This is common in dogs who were taken away from their litter too early. Try to talk your parents into getting her some training or a behaviorist. Giving her away will just pass the problem to someone else.

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  • zchristian

    Always do research before you get a pet thats my advice...

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  • Moonbow

    You need to either train this spoiled bitch or get rid of her! One day, she's going to bite someone and you, or your parents, are going to get sued.

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  • assfucking

    maybe you shouldnt have a dog if you dont know how to train it properly.

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  • dom180

    Bassett Hounds are some of the hardest dogs to train to do anything. No offence, but they are naturally stupider than most other breeds. Maybe call in a pro to tell you what you're doing wrong?

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  • Shackleford96

    I think you should indeed get rid of it. I love animals, but I guarantee you that my dog wouldn't bite me. If it did, I would punish it until it learned to correct it's bad behavior. If it kept on biting despite my efforts to train it then something is obviously wrong with it and it would have to go.

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  • Sweetz

    My french poodle plays aggresive too hes like a year and a couple months. Got him from a friend at 1month. When my dog is bored he gets demanding and bites if you don't play with him. Take your dog to the dog park often to socialize and get all her energy out. Dogs will usually teach eachother how to play properly. Get her plenty of bones to naw on. Put her in training classes to stimulate her mind, and if you can try leaving her at a doggy daycare once in awhile. She just wants attention.

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  • tykeyman

    You need to subdue her to a barrage of punches and kicks for I'd say 3 days of a week really wear her down and she will then be to scared to do any of that

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