My eye goes blurry when i cover it with the palm of my hand iin?

my left eye sometimes hurts so when i place my left hand palm on my eye, then take it off and i see nothing but blurriness. my eyes aren't usually like that and I'm not blind, but it can also happen with my right eye.

they are closed when i place the palm on my and on them. it soon goes away but i can't explain the weird feeling it has. is this normal? i can't see an eye doctor since they are closed due to lockdown of the recent virus pandemic.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Alvex

    It's very unlikely anything serious. It's that you simply have 20/20 vision in one eye, and about 20/30 in the other, causing that little blurriness when covering the 20/20 eye. I know because I've had the exact same thing for most my life. Actually now, I'm 45, I'm starting to get a little blurriness in both my eyes when trying to read on my smartphone for too long. My mom and dad both started needing reading glasses in their 40s, so I'm getting that hereditary, I'm going to need some

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  • howaminotmyself

    Eat more carrots

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  • raisinbran

    It could be glaucoma (increased pressure and fluid build-up in the eye), which is serious and can damage your optic nerve, causing blindness.

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  • litelander8

    Y’all wouldn’t be trippin if you had access to a doctor. But now it’s all “Coronavirus is stopping me”.

    You’re fine. Stop covering your eye.

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    • Inkmaster

      They're covering their eye because it's in pain.

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  • Avocadopeople

    You mean without touching your eyelid it goes blurry?

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  • Boojum

    Obviously, anything that seems unusual with your eyes should be investigated. It will very likely turn out to be something trivial, but problems with vision can be a symptom of very serious issues. For example, my late wife's brain tumour was discovered after she went to see an optometrist because one of her eyes lost the ability to focus, and he saw that her retina was being distorted by pressure in her skull.

    Like I said, it's much more likely that the explanation for what you're experiencing isn't that dramatic, and I personally wouldn't risk trying to get an urgent appointment at the moment unless the change was sudden, constant and accompanied with pain.

    It could be just a symptom of your eyes ageing and you needing glasses. It could even be indirectly connected to what we're all going through at the moment. Since a lot of us are spending so much time indoors focusing only on things that are relatively close-up, it might be just a symptom of eye-strain.

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  • Gabloo

    I think it’s normal. I’ve actually always had that I think it’s just the liquid in the eye figuring itself out personally mine get kind of blurry to because they need to focus for a second. I would say maybe see an eye doctor because you might need glasses. I don’t know how old you are but, sometimes as you age your eyes change and you might noticed that you need glasses. For a more serious approach, perhaps you should talk to a doctor if you’re worried about anything like a concussion, stroke, or inner ear infection. I’m not a doctor but I know a little bit about the human body and I would say trust your gut And if you think it’s serious talk to someone if not, it’s probably not a big deal. But I don’t know exactly your circumstance just mine

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    • Alvex

      It's highly unlikely a stroke when getting a slight blurriness in one eye. I guess it's possible, but it's very worse case scenario and very unlikely. It's most likely that he has 20/20 vision in the eye he's covering, and like 20/30 in the other one. I've had the same thing most my life, so I know. I've had a slight blurriness in my right eye for decades whenever covering my left eye.

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