My eyes have gone from blue, to grey, to green over the course of my life

From ages 0-9 I had the standard blue eyes, then when I hit puberty they changed to grey. Now that I’m pretty much finished puberty, they’re a dark green. The change was gradual enough that people haven’t really noticed but if you compare a recent and old photo of me, you can see a colour difference. It’s not a lighting thing, the actual colour of my eyes changed

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Just means you’re green eyed as only green eyes can change colour.

    From memory I think they reflect light, causing the illusion of change or something like that. Not totally sure of the science.

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    And did you know tgat blue eyes aren't actually blue? They don't have any blue pigment like brown eyes have brown? Their color is due to the scattering of light called the Tyndall effect.

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    My son's eyes were beautiful blue when he was born. Then they turned greenish and now they're grey. His son's eyes are doing the same. It's kinda beautiful.

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  • kelili

    It happens that some children have blue eyes that turn brown during puberty and most old people have grey eyes. Even old Black people.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    In the course of my life I've had brown eyes, red eyes, & black eyes.

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    • ospry

      Red eyes sounds badass

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        Your eyes ever been bloodshot? : )

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Actually, I've noticed this with several people. Blue eyes are susceptible to color change over time.

    I actually have a gold ring around my iris because of something called central heterochromia, but it didn't appear until I was a kid! So all my baby/toddler photos I have completely blue eyes.

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  • WardieWN1993

    When I was lad I had blond hair and blue eyes, now I have brown hair (which turns a bit blond in summer) and blue-grey eyes. I want my pure blond hair and blue eyes back! :(

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    • Tortie_Shell

      That happened to my mother, actually. She dyed her hair to be the original blonde colour but there isn’t much you can do about the eyes (outside of colour contacts)

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