My favourite teacher suddenly hates me or suddenly dislikes me?
I’m an 18 year old girl who has just finished her first year at college in art and design. I found out that I couldn’t stop on to do level 2 art and design this year as I have depression and too many personal issues. Well , during the year I made a positive relationship with my tutor , friendship nothing more , and I’m not expecting anything romantic or sexual as she’s married and well I’m a student and she’s a tutor. We would talk about personal issues and some pretty deep stuff and I told her about my past and she understood and she had a lot of empathy as she also went through depression she would also calm me down and let me cry in front of her without judging me or telling me stop. She helped me through a lot of stuff. I admired her a lot. She helped me with my work and she would let me stay behind after class and we would sit and talk and joke around. We joked every lesson and she always made me laugh and she found me amusing. She would also talk to me if she seen me around in the art block and smile and wave to me every time she seen me and she always made an effort to talk or communicate in some way with me every time she saw me. I liked her and I told her I was a lesbian as she was on about me having kids or a husband and she was totally cool about it and said there’s students who are bisexual. She would always compliment me on my outfits and shoes and would sometimes sit with me after college in the art block just talking to me without me starting the conversation first. I brought her some presents as I was leaving and she loved them I brought her a pen with her name on it , a crystal healing pen , some Bruno bars as that was her favourite chocolate bar and a fairy wishing jar and I even brought her a thank you card and wrote a message in it for her. On the last day when we were saying good bye she agreed to add me on Facebook so I tried adding her and inboxed her explaing who I was. And I tried to follow her on instagram but she blocked me on Instagram then changed her privacy settings so I can’t look at it on any other account and she blocked my freind request on Facebook only literally two days after saying goodbye. I thought ok maybe she had personal issues and reasons for this but she wouldn’t even answer my emails of me asking to send her the story I wrote that she didn’t get chance to read when she was busy with marking so I couldn’t publish it as it won’t let me so I asked if I could email it her but she ignored me and I apologied for adding her on Facebook and I apologised if she took it the wrong way and also i applied for a health and social course and needed her to sign and fill in some papers about me otherwise I couldn’t get on the course or get offered a place and I explained that to her and she just completely ignored me. Now I think she hates me or dislikes me and I feel like she’s pushed me away and I feel like I should have never trusted her or opened up to her and I keep getting depressed and crying as I feel so low for what she had gone an or telling me stop. She helped me through a lot of stuff. I admired her a lot. She helped me with my work and she would let me stay behind after class and we would sit and talk and joke around. We joked every lesson and she always made me laugh and she found me amusing. She would also talk to me if she seen me around in the art blockalk or communicate in someas she was it and said there’s students who are biseShe would always compliment me on my outfits and shoes and would sometimes sit with me after college in the ajust talking to me without me starting the conversation first. I brought her some presents as I was leaving and shethem I brought her a chance to read when she was busy with marking so I couldn’t publish it as it won’t let me so I asked if I could email it her but she ignored me and I apologied for adding her on Facebook and I apologised if she took it the wrong way and also i applied for a health and social course and needed her to sign and fill in some papers about me otherwise I couldn’t get on the course or get offered a place and I explained that to her and she just completely ignored me. Now I think she hates me or dislikes me and has completely pushed me away