My fear of bugs..

So I'm extremelyyyy scared of any type of bug or insect. I start spazing out and I sometimes even sit and my hands and body shakes. I close my eyes for a good ten minutes. I'm almost paralyzed. The buzzing is always what gets me... so is this normal?

Voting Results
52% Normal
Based on 23 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. Last year I had a flea infestation. I had bites on a good portion of my lower legs and upper arms and rashes on my body where the fleas didn't even bite me. Whenever I lied down, I couldn't breathe. I've been flea free for a year and I'm still paranoid about those allergy causing nightmare bugs.

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  • DaemonWolf

    I am pretty easy going with all types of bugs and animals and am pretty much a naturalist... except when it comes to mosquitos, and even worse, bedbugs.

    I hate bedbugs with a passion. I researched so many ways of killing those little blighters it's not even funny; and I took pleasure in ending their lives wherever I found them. Room has been clean for over a year now. But I still have a deep fear of waking up in the morning with welts on my body.
    I feel itchy just talking about it..

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  • ratlings7373

    Spiders make me run out of the room crying. I think everyone has their fear.

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