My friend got mad at me for no reason?
My friend is mad at me and I have no idea why.
They are usually okay to be around but suddenly they switched. They started hanging with this new person and they and them were starting to get closer so they started talking to me less because of them which I was okay with.
But after a while they and the other person stopped talking and they still didn't talk to me so I didn't know what it was. I tried to ask them to hang out but they declined then they asked me to hang out and I went but they were acting funny then I asked them what was going on and they stopped talking to me and when I called them they were irritated and they told me that when they were hanging out with them they wanted to stop talking to them because them was actually mean but I didn't know this and they acted like I was supposed to psychically know and tell them to stop talking to them and we had an argument and then they said they liked me as more than a friend but I'm straight so I didn't know what to say to them