My friend is abusing her cat. what can i do?

I have known a lady for 10 years. We were better friends early on before she had children. After she had kids I found her to be always angry and dramatic. I distanced myself. Now she has moved near me and I run into her around town. She told me she punishes her cats for pooping on the carpet by making them eat their own feces. They poop on the carpet because she is dirty and doesn't clean the box enough. I never liked how she treated her pets but it was borderline in the past. Like she always yelled at them because she sucks at training and they we're badly behaved. Or she didn't clean her cat box enough. But nothing like this. I have suggested therapy because I think she is bipolar or something but she just got mad and didn't get help. She has gotten worse through the years. I have tried to give her advice on proper behavior modification for her pets but she won't listen. Police here wouldn't even come when I called because a guy was beating the shit out of his dog at the park. What can I do?

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Berenice66

    There must be a number where you can call animal protection services anonymously. please do it, save that cat.

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    • Sempervirens

      I anonymously reported to a crime tip line but I don't think anything will happen. We don't have animal rescue people like on animal planet just cops who are too overworked by people to care about a couple cats. But I have no proof but everyone knows she is bad with animals. She's has had like 15 dogs since I've know her. She always rehomes them when they get annoying enough, again because she doesn't train them, she blames the animal she raised wrong.

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