My friend just got pregnant and now i hate her

Okay. So, I've never liked children. They totally repulse me. Yet everyone FREAKS out about them. Why? What makes you so special if you are pregnant? A nasty, needy, noisy thing is going to rip you apart and come into this world. It pisses me off how much attention is given to new borns, young babies, and pregnant women these days.
I cannot be the only 30 year old, married woman who feels this way, am I?
She is really my husband's friend's wife, but we were friends. I can't even look at her. All she talks about is baby sh*t: how her clothes fit or don't, painting a room, her new car, names, etc.
Why do I feel so angry at her? I don't know. Is it because I think she "played" her husband because (I don't think) that he wanted a baby for awhile (they had been married 10 days when she got pregnant). She has always said that she wanted like 10 babies (okay four) before she turned 30, she's 25.
But I do feel so angry when I think about her and I don't understand it. Is it normal for me to feel this way about her?

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53% Normal
Based on 924 votes (490 yes)
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Comments ( 60 )
  • Dr2Be

    My cousin had a baby last year and all the family talked about was her and her baby. They were all like "Congratulations!", "you're so lucky" etc. etc. I then had to sit my university exams and didn't even get so much as a good luck message from them. When I passed I expected them to be as happy for me as they were for my cousin, but when I told them my news they just said "Oh, OK" and then changed the subject!
    My point is this. Having a baby might be the most important thing in some people's lives, but can everyone please remember that some of us have other aims in life which are equally important to us. We don't constantly hound you with details of our lives and achievements so, if you're pregnant, please show the same courtesy. Your pregnancy may not be as important to us as it is to you.

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    • vanillalily

      I SOOOOO know how you feel ugh!

      I dont hate babys in the slightest. There cute (some of them anwyays) and innocent and id never ever wish harm t one or there mothers. BUT....i dont ever want any myself.My cousin whos eben my best friend as well my wholelife has two kids and shes onyl inher mid 20a. makes me sick ti really does. all she talks ab uot is babys and hardly has time for me anymore

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    • miranda

      This makes me remember an episode of Sex and the City: a friend is getting married and everyone is giving her gifts. Carrie is single and wants a "single life celebration" or something and demands presents for her too, because she's given soo much to all her married friends.
      Everyone has projects, that may or may not include kids, or being married, etc - those sort of things that makes family members go crazy. Haha. This doesn't make your graduation or your new company less important.
      But let's remember that kids and family impact almost directly in every member of a family or relationship between friends or co-workers. With a new child someone's becoming a grandma, or an uncle, or their kids will have little friends to play with. A marriage is something of the same kind: the family as a group is getting "new members" and this is emotionally exciting for everyone.
      Our graduation is something very important, a project that took years and years of dedication to achieve, but... They're probably our project, and no one else's. They have an emotion load probably only on ourselves.
      Your new career will impact on people's lives too, but probably in a more rational than emotional way, that's why it's hard for people to be happy (since it's an emotional response to something) directed to something that is a rational plan.

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    • OK - to ignore & neglect others is wrong and inconsiderate. But thats not about having a baby, thats just rude. Period.

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  • littlegeorge14

    People stop getting down her throat! She can't control how she feels, especially if she doesn't understand why she feels that way. She is obviously feeling guilty for having those feelings and she has done her best to keep them from her friend so as NOT to rain on her parade. She simply is trying to get at an explanation. Rant Over.

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    • miranda

      You're right. I just couldn't decide if it's normal or not. I see this situation not so black and white, but more in a grayish area. I explained in the bottom of the comments.

      For me it's normal to feel this way in every new situation where we have to adjust. But the great advantage that we -human beings- have amongst a lot of other animals, is that we are great in flexibility and adjusting. So we kinda have to mature with life and understand complexity of relationships, emotions and situations.

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  • Midnightshadow54

    Bleh. I hate children too. My older sisiter always complained how right after high school (and even during) a bunch of people got pregnant. If she ever hung out with them or saw them, they would simply tell her all about their stupid friggin son. Women these days-_-'

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    • Midnightshadow54

      And BTW, of course I actually meant "sister." my iPod doesn't type very well^^'

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  • Solimorphic

    You are annoyed because your friend is being very self absorbed.

    Her whole life revolves around this baby now. She will have it, and in about a year she will be bored and maybe want, say, a bigger house that she can talk endlessly about. Or maybe a trip to Cancun will fill the void, then something else. You get the idea.

    You seem happy living day to day with your husband. That's great!

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  • SSSkunx

    LOL! I'm sorry to make light of it, but that is hilarious! Hey at least you admit it! I felt exactly the same way before I had kids. I hated kids, hated pregnant women. Pregnant women totally disgusted me and bored me with all their talk about babies and pregnancy! But then I got pregnant by accident and it changed my whole world. I don't feel that way anymore, now I actually enjoy talking to pregnant women! I think it's totally normal for you to feel this way. I definitel understand why you do!

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  • bubblebubble

    Dude, don't beat yourself up. I think you're normal. It's annoying when people get wrapped up in their stupid baby fantasties. I am pregnant right now and I can't stand all the bloody carry-on that exists about babies. I am not even going to tell anyone I'm pregnant unless they ask because I know how utterly irritating and offensive the whole thing can be to people who are not pregnant and to those of us who have lost babies before and don't have children, or maybe people who can't have kids.... or people who just hate children (I sort of fall into the second and fourth categories). All this bullshit about being a parent... it's like it's the biggest production in the world but it's not!!! You should say to your friend.... you're not special just because someone ejaculated inside you!

    Okay rant over.

    Babe. Let it out. I say you're normal. WHY should you have to pretend to care about something in which you have NO interest???

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  • _thirty_characters_it_is_then_

    Uhhhh I feel really tempted but I'm not going to read the other comments. Otherwise I'm gonna be here all night long, OPINIONIZING.(man that's a bitch of a word)

    Anyway... I think there may be some issues there because you say you HATE her. I feel dislike would be okay and acceptable even. Hate is something that's a bit too strong to come from simple annoyedness.

    Let me preface this next part by saying I'm not American or British, so I'm very much removed from those "western" cultures. However your cultural waves, esp. from America, are a massive influence on my country. And I feel like this whole motherhood thing is becoming really cultish. I've been getting really creepy vibes from over the pond... for example, from 'professional homemakers'. The state of being a parent has been turned into this whole career and TONS of literature (well, 'literature' IYKWIM) and media time are being dedicated to it.

    I completely agree that being pregnant DOES NOT make you the most important person on the planet to everyone else. It's very understandable that an expectant mother will be highly excitable and her unborn child will probably become THE most important subject of her life at that time. However this is, nevertheless, huge egotism on her part. If she feels the need to devote every part of her to the child and child only, she really should find LIKE-MINDED women. Yes, children are a big thing, but a parent's wonder is a parent's wonder. You can't expect the world to ever be as enraptured as a mother is by her baby :)

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  • Starsong21

    From my point of view, you are completely normal. I personally wouldn't have a friend who was pregnant. And if a friend of mine ever did get pregnant, I would no longer continue being their friend. I'll admit I'm a selfish human being, and want to be of utmost importance to my friends and family. Children always take that away.
    Going to childfree forums is really cool, cause you can make really good friends who feel the same way as you. It's hard being friends with people who want babies so much (the term for this behaviour is "baby rabies", which is what your friend seems to have ATM.)
    There's nothing wrong with not liking babies and not liking it when friends have them.

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  • bubbinzubbin

    Totally, Totally understand you! I've had 2 friends who have had kids in the past year and it is hell. The unusual thing is I have a son, I've been there, had the baby. But I did not feel the need to lose the ability to speak about anything else for the 9 months of pregnancy, nor did I feel the need to share details of every spit up, every poo, every boring moment of their sad, self obsessed days with my friends. I never did or still do not allow myself to be defined by the fact I am a mother, despite loving my son more than anything. These women started off painful but throughout the pregnancy and after their children were born it became excruciating. They are the only 2 of my friends to have had babies so far, but if its happened to them I am actually dreading it happening to more of my friends! I feel your pain.

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  • ladyoftheworld

    Hi there, it is normal for you to feel this way. It is difficult in this world today to survive for ourselves and many people bring babies into the world for selfish reasons. You sound like a real sensible lady to me and you are lucky to be out of it. If these women want babies, let them carry on as long as you dont have to hear about it. I have no problem with women myself who want babies, thats up to them but If you dont want to hear all this stuff about her having this baby, keep your distance from this woman and limit the contact that way you cant get offended by what she says to you, you are in control, you dont have to listen to anything that upsets or angers you, good luck x

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  • Aesthesia

    I feel repulsed that you hate her just because she is pregnant. Yes, i know how you feel but I got over that years ago, but now seeing how you feel about your friend is like seeing my past self. It's quite selfish and pathetic, but eventually you grow out of it, hopefully.

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  • miranda

    It's normal until you get ajusted to the new situation, specially if you don't have kids around in your family. But as I've learned about relationships of all kinds (family, friends, boyfriends, husband), is that despite all that, if you are a true friend and value this relationship you have to be suportive and respect their ideas, which in this case include a major change in life.
    If this is too much for you (I really don't know how obsessive this person is about this situation), and you really are friends, you should have the openess to talk to them about it if you feel like your relationship as friends is being neglected.
    If you are only acquaintances, maybe she won't respond well to this kind of talk, so maybe you should distance yourself a bit from the situation, if possible.
    I don't think anyone should be hated by their choices, specially if it makes them happy. If she thinks having kids is the great project of her life, ler her be happy and don't make her feel self-conscious about something that is so natural for her.

    Ps: english is not my natural language, sorry for the incongruences.

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  • phedre

    Yes it's normal. Kids are not your thing. Also in order to have ANY kind of relationship work you need give and take, sounds like all she wants to do is take take take take. I have a kid, but I have many things I'm interested in besides my kid. I can't imagine having any friends at all if I don't talk about anything but my kid with them. Do I expect them to hear about her a little? Sure but shes a HUGE part of my life! But if I am to expect my friends to want to hear about that aspect of my life I must be interested in hearing about theirs. Thats the problem I see. She doesn't seem interested in YOUR life at all. And let's not even get started about the way new moms seem to talk about bodily fluids.. I had times when I was a new mom that I couldn't control my urge to talk endlessly about babies.. so I did it online on babycenter! You know, where other people who feel that way are.

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  • similove

    How can u hate your freind for being pregnant dont seem like a friend to me. It just selfish cause u dont like it doesnt mean u should hate your freind u sure u not jealous and just lying to yourself. Having a baby normal let her enjoy it at least.

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  • Ibelievethis

    Hi (this is my second comment) The reason why you are feeling like this could be cos you are jealous of pregnant women which if it is something you want is understandable and I can totally relate(I was very very jealous of pregnant women before I had my daugher) and I'm not at all ashamed to admit it either. I still get envious of them even now, and God knows why cause I've made a concious desicion that I do not want anymore children or perhaps subconsiously I do. If I'm being absolutly honest I am jealous of the attention that they get and they think the only think that people should talk about in their presense is "their pregnancy". One thing I have noticed though is the way men treat pregnant women, they will offer their seat to you or congratulate you before a women does well that was my experience anyway. I think the reason is The women who ahve been pregnant often think (and I include myself in this) Well I went through it and no-one bowed down to me or worshipped me and the one's who haven't been through it are jealous perhaps x

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  • looneytunes

    Doesn't sound like you really hate her. After all, you bothered to post your dilemma, which means you care. It's normal to not want kids, but not normal to hate others because they do. If you just feel like you can't relate to her anymore, tell her how you feel. If she cares about the friendship, she'll at least try not to alienate you.

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    Some Of These Comments Are Really Immature. I Never Would Have Thought Someone Could Hate Another Person Because They Are Pregnant. That's Kinda Like Saying I Hate You Because You Like Cheese Pizza!

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    • MahBoi24

      Well, unfortunately for your kid-loving ass, there are people who don't want to deal with someone's hellspawn. And when someone gets pregnant, that's all they talk about. I had to dump a friend because she got pregnant and ALL she talked about was her stupid seed.

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  • daveyjones05

    What no-one has yet brought up is that you yourself are a human being. Which means you were a squaling, screaming baby yourself once and your parents had to put up with you crapping your nappy, throw your toys out the pram and suffer you until you reached the age of 30.

    Fair enough you don't like kids but as you were a kid once.....well it's a bit like one of your parent's friends giving you filthy looks whenever they see you and saying "I hate you because you were once a baby!"

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  • ieatrocksdirt

    this is a rediculous story.
    just dont hang out with her then. let her at least be happy even if your not.

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  • MahBoi24

    I can't believe all these people who are saying to be happy for her and share in her excitement. Why is it necessary to be excited for Little Miss Knocked-up? Not everyone wants to deal with "The baby this, the baby that!" all the time, and when you're around repugnant women, that is ALL YOU HEAR. You shouldn't have to be excited or happy for her! Personally, I'd say drop her as a friend and find someone who doesn't have or want children. Those people are SO much more pleasant to be around!

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  • ReaperAJ

    Expecting a baby is such a special event because welcoming a child into the world ultimately means a continuation of that persons gene pool. It's natural for her to be excited by that. I also used to be anti kids and couldn't bring myself to hold a baby. I remember being pregnant - 2 months - and a friend of a friend came over with her newborn baby and handed it to me. I couldn't make myself take it from her. I was greeted with an uncomfortable silence and odd looks all round. I was so worried about it afterwards too because I thought it might be a sign of things to come when my own baby was born. I fell pregnant because of pressure from my husband to have a baby a year into our marriage. Anyway, I was always at odds with my first pregnancy, saying the most awful things like maybe I should have an abortion (I really regret being so horrible and should probably cut my tongue out). However, when my little boy was being born I almost lost him due to a very difficult birth. Somehow the little guy survived and later that night, when I held him alone for the first time, I felt utterly lost and afraid, but we soon bonded and now, I am a mom of two and wouldn't change my kiddies for the world. I won't say it's changed my feelings towards most other people's babies, I still don't like picking them up and coochie-ing over them (only my 4 mo old niece who has stolen my heart is the exception to this) and quite frankly, other people's children usually irritate me. I don't hate them though and I completely understand the excitement any mom to be feels. My second pregnancy was like that. Personally, I didn't like the extra attention at all, and used to get bloody incensed when strangers and even friends thought they had the right to touch my bump, it was an extremely personal experience for me, so I tend to agree that just because a woman is pregnant it doesn't mean she should be fussed over so much. I suppose though for family members it is an exciting experience to welcome a new family member into the fold.

    I think that maybe you have strong feelings over this because it's a little close to home for you, she is your husbands friends wife, so there is a good chance you'll be seeing her often, and you are one of those people who are intimidated by children. Maybe because you're unsure of how to relate to them. I still do battle with that, my own kids being the exception. Perhaps you have fears that you need to address about what it's going to be like once the baby is born and she visits with it. Maybe you are afraid of being asked to hold it, or being expected to like it - or horror or horrors BABYSIT! Perhaps you don't look forward to having a toddler or impossible 3 yr old in your home who is throwing tantrums and running around with a snot nose. Those are the sort of things that used to put me off kids and still do in fact. I think you are probably feeling really angry because you are over-reacting due to the fact that you find your

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  • billabongsport

    She's obviously just excited like many other women would be, just because your opinion on baby matters is different to hers, doesn't mean you should hate her, perhaps you could talk to her about you issues and explain that perhaps she shouldn't talk about babies aroudn you.

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    • NoNamePlease

      Wow. Both of those comments make a lot of sense. I guess I really don't hate her, I just don't understand why I get this violent angry feeling. It's not jealousy. If I wanted one, my husband would be fine with that. I just don't get it. And I hope I didn't sound like a total pscyho. I am polite to her when we hang out. I'm just not my bubbly, talkative self.

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      • miranda

        I think that jealous wouldn't make someone that angry. Being angry has a lot more with rejection that jealousy. Maybe you feel like you've lost a friend? That you feel your relationship is being neglected? Or this atention-seeking situation of hers have changed the dynamics of your group (you, you husband, her and her husband)?

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    • saiyan

      hey u shd not be hating children coz u havent born as aged

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  • LisaL79

    I'm sorry, but that's not normal. To HATE someone because they're pregnant is ridiculous. HATE is a strong word and emotion. You may be just extremely annoyed & frustrated since that's all she can talk about.
    But you also have to realize that even though YOU may not like kids or want them. That doesn't mean everyone should just stop what's important to them b/c YOU don't like it. The world doesn't revolve around you and what you want.
    She has every right to be happy about being pregnant.
    And how dare you even suggest that she trapped her husband somehow or tricked him in to getting pregnant.
    For one thing, she would've already been pregnant when they got married. Educate yourself on how pregnancy actually happens before even spouting off crap like that.

    Grow up. You are 30 years old. YOu would think by your age, you'd learn that it's not all about you.

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  • laurabot

    she's doing something she wants to do, it's not your place to judge just because you have a different view. let her ber a little happy.

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    • queenlala

      i wholeheartedly agree with you. i think it's hard for people with dreams and goals to understand how some women think that the solution to life's problems is just to get pregnant. isn't there ANYTHING else you'd like to aspire to be besides "mommy"? especially a 25 year old, it's like, don't you want to have a life and enjoy being a newlywed for uh, a few days at least?? it's so baffling. well enjoy your brat-free, screaming-free, life with lots of extra money that you won't be spending on diapers, and when you're getting a wonderful night's sleep, think of your friend who has been up for 10 hours with a screaming baby.

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      • miranda

        I don't believe that thinking about the future-mommy's problems will make her feel better. As in any part of life, we shouldn't compare our problems or our joys with others.
        More importantly, I don't think that women that want to have children are necessarily making a mistake or have less dreams and aspirations. And in this case in particular, she didn't say that her friend didn't have a career, a college degree or had travelled all around the world. Maybe in fact she did all those things, who knows? And now her next project is a baby.
        It's like saying the only happy way to live life is: travel, have fun, make friends, have a career, be very succesful.
        Maybe it's dictatorial to say what people should or shoulnd't do with their lifes.

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  • Bitmap

    It's normal to not want kids. It's normal to not like kids. It's normal to get annoyed at friends when ALL they talk about things you don't like.

    What's NOT normal is being disgusted by a person you call a friend simply because they have something important going on that isn't you. What's NOT normal is expecting them to read your mind and shut up completely about their life event because it's not about you. What's NOT normal is how aggressively angry you are at your friend for having her own child....I mean, she's not forcing you to have a kid. She's not making you do anything. She's just excited about a major thing in her life. If you replace kid with puppy you'd probably feel fine...and that's not normal either!
    I think you're being really childish. Maybe you need to grow up a little bit. You sound like an oldest sibling whos upset that mommy and daddy are having another and you won't be the center of attention anymore.

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  • Hazella

    I voted no because I think most people would be fawning all over the pg friend and her (future) spawn. That said, I feel similar to you. Maybe part of your issue is because she may have played her husband, though, if he was truly worried he could have taken a more active role in birth control, too.

    Though instead of disliking pg woman, I feel bad for her *because* as you put it "A nasty, needy, noisy thing is going to rip (the pg lady) apart and come into this world."

    A neighbor sent a Christmas card last year announcing that she had "asked Santa for a real baby" along with the due date. My first thought was "oh that poor woman". I don't know why I even thought it in the first place. I mean -- She may have been thrilled, it may have been the thing that she wanted the most in life, but here's me I can't shake the "poor woman" feeling in all of it.

    Not everything kids do or say is "cute", "precious", "sweet" or etc. Not everything kids do is wonderful, great, awesome or etc. So I also don't understand why society is so pro-kid. I mean - a little bit, sure. To the extent that it is -no.

    Kids when they're behaving don't bother me much. However I feel really angry at even babies when they're acting out. Like the little snot at the restaurant. A mom, baby, dad and other people were at this place -- Mommy had *dared* to get up and leave from the table for like a minute (keep in mind, plenty of people to watch the brat) without permission from the little maggoty looking spawn who decided to punish both mommy and everyone in the restaurant by unleashing these huge angry wails with snot dripping off it's face. I'm an adult and I don't think I could wail that loud if I wanted to. Not scared tears, big angry, breathy howls. How *dare* mommy leave for like, 1 minute?! NO! Mommy must give *all* of her time to brat baby... no mommy - no going to the bathroom, no fixing your hair, no walking to the bar (I wouldn't blame you from drinking with that brat) or whatever else, no! Bad Mommy. Brat baby will punish you with it's unearthly howling and ugly red, snot dripping face which comes with the bonus that mommy will have to wipe the snot off the infant's ugly face.

    Maybe all kids are like that. Maybe I did it as a kid? (I hope not), Maybe other people weren't bothered by it at the restaurant. But it aroused very angry feelings in me. It makes me angry just recounting it.

    So don't feel alone... but ... also... I don't think that we're the norm, either.

    BTW - no hate from kid lovers, k? I know I'm not the norm and I have every right to feel this way just like you have every right to love kids.

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  • AnettBreczko

    I hated my pregnant friends, when I wanted to conceive a baby, but we have had no success. Somebody asked me than: "Do you hate all pregnant women? And what, when one day you will became one of them? Will you hate yourself too?"

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  • Marissa231

    I feel exacty the same way, unfortunately I am going through the same thing myself. My best friend is pregnant, and I really cant stand it! Whats worse is I see her every day because I work with her! I really dont know how much I can take! I find it really upsetting and feel guilty for having these awful feelings towards her because I know how happy she is. The ironic thing is that I accidently got pregant the exact same time last year, and she convinced me to get an abortion "because it was the right thing to do" and "i had my full life ahead of me" and she feared that "she was going to lose her best friend" I know its wrong, but because of this im devastated and just cant be happy for her at all! Its killing me inside, even though I have to put smile on my face and act all interested and excited for her when shes rubbing it in my face and talking about baby stuff every other minute of the day! Its that bad im considering changing jobs because I dont think I can take another 6 months of this untill she goes on maternity leave. Its ruining my life and putting a strain on my relationship at home because im so depressed. I know a lot of people might think im selfish and to just "get over it" but it is just so difficult, I really dont know what to do!

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  • phedre

    hahaha this topic is so old

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  • Ibelievethis

    I hated my friends when they were both pregnant at the same time and (even though I am already a mother)This may seem strange but I felt so inferior to them and insanley jealous even felt like they were laughing at me (melodramatic I kmow but it is how I felt) They would sit together in their little clique talking about babies, and expected me to bill and coo and fuss over them like a nurse maid I never got them pregnant I am sorry but I do not and will not have any maternal insticts to any baby a part from my own and nor will I run around after pregnant women I do/did not care and I do not have to either x

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  • jenniferdp

    I think you need meds. Why are you raining on her parade?

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  • mariemarie1

    I have no idea why this would be so upsetting to you. I'd understand if YOU accidently got preggers, but she's just excited young new mommy to be. Let her enjoy it!

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  • bunnyboo22

    Omg your so mean why do people hate kids idk but I think you shouldn't be juding your friend like that. Maybe unlike you she wants to have a kid and be happy and have somthing to love

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    • MahBoi24

      First off, stay in high school and learn to spell. Second of all, you can love a dog. This is the many morons think you can only have a baby as a way to have something to love. You don't have to have a baby to love something. You can love a dog, a cat, a stuffed animal for Christ's sake.

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    • miranda

      Who said that OP don't want to be happy and love? She just doesn't include in this plan a baby. You can be happy in very different ways.

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  • Natasha

    No, you are not at all normal to HATE someone because they are pregnant. It may be normal to be disappointed and annoyed, but HATE and ANGER? No, sorry. NOT normal. Seek professional help before you hurt someone.

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    • MahBoi24

      You're a fucking idiot.

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  • kaylap

    You sound like a real jerk to me, if you don't want to hear about her baby stuff then quit hanging around her! If you had ever been pregnant you would know how it changes your life completely and it's hard not to talk about it. Quit hating on the girl and go live your own life.

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  • michael81

    Procreation is our destiny. Maybe you should do your body and the planet a favor and get knocked up. You'll enjoy it, my wife never wanted kids and was actually pro-choice until she felt our little girl start to kick and it changed her whole life. You sound very angry and a little baby will most likely fix your selfish mouth.

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    • MahBoi24

      LOL really? We're all destined for procreation? Tell that to all the infertile people in the world. Probably will cheer them right the fuck up.

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      • YouKnowWho

        Just because some printers don't work it doesn't mean that they're not originally destined to print.

        Every species is destined to keep itself alive.

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        • miranda

          The notion that we are biologically programmed to spread our DNA is totally correct. But the way @michael81 puts, it looks like it's not comming from a rational thought, but more a reflection of the situation that changed his life: wife being pregnant. So it's more of a perception than a statement. And that's why @YouKnowWho is surprised.

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  • No. Sorry but I think you are being the big baby and resent that she is actually going to get attention (because she deserves support, is pregnant and that is a huge event) that you feel entitled to yourself.

    Your anger & contempt seems kind of narcissistic, don't you think? Do you actually believe that YOU are being treated badly because of babies and pregnancy in general & hers in particular?

    Makes me wonder what your real issue with all this is. After all, having children may not be for you. That's fine. But it is important for your friend. And you are being horrible and disrespectful about it.

    Shame on you.

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  • joliegems

    Has a Dr. every told you your womb was a ininhabitable wasteland that will never nuture life? if so, you could be jealous.

    If not, then you are just in a different place in your life and you should just ignore her or find other friends.

    I am married with three kids and people I know that have no kids and go on and on about one nightstands, getting STDs and petty stuff really annoy me.

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  • babyyboyy

    god you sound really mean!you obviously havent been pregnant before,its exciting and not all of us see it as'ripping you apart from the inside' that is what pregnant people are going to talk about.when you say whats so special about children?well they cant do anything for themselves at such a young age so they need to be fussed over your child would grow up a cold weirdo if you didnt fuss them.what are you going to do be a straight faced blunt bitch when you get pregnant you just wait hahahaha

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  • Cunfuzzled

    you hate someone for getting pregnant? you sound like a real prick

    and you sound like your a little gender confused and jealous

    you need to be happy for her , not be an ass to her, shes going to have it hard enough without your bull$hit

    If I had a friend like you and I got pregnant and you started acting like that toward me I would knock your teeth out

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    • miranda

      You said she's a prick for hating her pregnant friend, but you'd knock your friend's teeth out if she was having trouble with her feelings? I feel like there need to be acceptance, support and love from both sides.
      Only because the person is pregnant it doens't mean that everyone around you should be on the same agenda and in compass with your own rhythm.

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  • sweetlilwookims

    Sounds to me like you are jealous. Do you want to be pregnant? God passes out the baby’s and if you have a sour heart you will never get one. I don’t think, anyway. Cheer up. You will be next, if you want.

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  • EbonyMT

    Are you jealous maybe?

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