My friend likes to feel walls?

So, a fairly new friend of mine seems to be obsessed with feeling walls.

I started noticing in the past 3 months as we've been hanging out more. She came over to my house and we were eating lunch at the table. I excused myself to use the bathroom and when I got back she was feeling the wall. She stopped immediately when she saw me and was instantly embarrassed. I asked her why she did that and she just ignored my question. We continued eating and then she went home.

The next time, we were at a restaurant and we both used the bathroom after our meal. I was in the stall and I legitimately saw her feeling the fall through the crack in my stall. She was actually moving both of her hands up and down the wall. I thought this one was disgusting because the walls weren't the cleanest and it confused me to bits.
When I flushed, she stopped and then I got out and I never mentioned it.

Another time when we were at her cousin's house for his birthday, we were in the other room watching TV and all of a sudden, from the corner of my eye, I see her moving her hands up and down the wall but this time from behind. I laughed, asked what she was doing and she stopped.

Now, just a week ago, when we were at her apartment and I was in the bathroom with the door open trying to get ready, I walked out and I see her with her face pressed up against the wall and she's moving her hands up and down it and looked like she was making out.

I walked over to her, asked her what she was doing and she told me she was kidding. I then asked again and got nothing from her. I hate how she won't tell me what is up with this strange habit.

IIN? What is this?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • noid

    Possibly an OCD behavior.

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  • OtherSide

    Some people need to experience certain sensory stimuli in order to calm down - very often people with Aspergers Syndrome or autism, and mostly during childhood.

    Tactile stimulation is a common one. Many autistic children will rock back and forth or run their fingers through their hair. Your friend obviously gets the right kind of sensory feedback from touching walls. Or else it's a fetish.

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    • I'm aspie and have this wall touching habit as well. It's somewhat of an ocd trait. I've gotten better at not doing it over the years. It's not a fetish at all like some people suggested.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It could be fetish.

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    • Doubt it. I have this same habit and don't get anything sexual out of it. I know it doesn't make sense but it's more of an obsessive nonsense habit.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Actually, it does make sense. If I am recalling correctly, in the past, I found calm in association with certain fabrics.

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        • I've never been able to make sense of some of my habits. It seems to me I subconsciously do certain things and not really think about why im doing it until someone asks me. Only then I don't usually know why. I do a few things like this as if they were innate instincts.

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    Probably just a fetish. Only problem I'd have with it is the fact that walls can be dirty and such so she should be cautious. Seems harmless enough putting that aside, though.

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  • NurseDiesel

    Maybe her daddys flown across the ocean and she wonders what, besides a memory and the snapshot in the family album, was left behind for her.

    Are her eyes closed when she does this? Perhaps she sees the past through the eyes of wall...?

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  • RoseIsabella

    She's a weirdo or maybe even a kook.

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