My friend's crush wants me

My friend decided to show me the girl he love (one-sided love) and i decided to go talk to her to know she is interested about because my friend is fucking sociopath and can't talk for himself (jk, he is just shy AF)
so after 3 weeks i knew a lot of thing about her so im ready to tell my friend what to do, but she shocked me with a message that says "IDK how *My friend's name* is your friend .. he is such a loser".
i tried to say that he is not a loser and she dont know him well but she wasn't ready to hear me talking about him and she said "Im nkt gonna talk a lot .. I'll say it, im in love with you"
now idk what to do cuz i cant go in a relationship with her cuz my friend loves her and cyz she insulted him .. HELP ME GUYS WHAT SHIULD I DO

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Billy24

    This take the bitch you're friend will be alright.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I can only tell ya what I would do and thats to quit talking to her after she talked shit about your friend to you. Be careful with those girls because she might run to him and do the same shit and put yall against eachother. if you're truly his friend you wont steal his girl from him. Too many fish in the sea. If he moves on and pursues someone else then you could try again later. But she sounds like bad news to me.

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      yup yup ik those girls .. i told him to be careful talking to here .. i guess i will just piss her off, cuz yeah .. broes before hoes

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