My friend tried to fight me
So today in school one of my friends (lets call him Dave) comes up to me before the bell rings and hands me my friends phone without him knowing and i take it not keep it but to give it back. so my friend ( lets call him Den) comes up to me asking do you know where my phone is as a joke I said to him no i don't know where its at. I thought that this was a perfectly fine joke with him because he did this to me several times. So he starts going around the room asking people if they took his phone, so that's when i decide to give it to den the one who originally gave me his phone asking him to put it on his desk. The moment I do that he see me handing Dave the phone to put on his desk,so me and Dave are laughing jokingly like you caught us, but instead he decides to mock our laugh and runs up to me yelling DON'T TOUCH MY SHIT I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS all in my face so I decided to standup in his face and said DO IT I DARE YOU (mind you all the yelling happened when the teacher came in the room) thats when he decided to act like a pussy and played the victim role and said to the teacher when she asked what's with all the yelling he said oh he took and threw it on the desk trying to break it. Which really pissed me off because he took my phone and stuff and hide it several times like there was no problem but I do it once and he goes ape shit and then lies to the teacher telling her that i tried to break his when he saw me hand it and tell Den to put it on his desk and then he wants me to apologize for taking his phone when takes mine all the time, hides it, and he tried to fight me!!!
This one happened a couple weeks before the phone situation there was this one time when i was really tired and weak from staying up late from doing a project. He knew that tired to tired even focus in class cause i told him a then in a different class the next thing you know it im minding my business talking to my friends and then he says SHUT YOUR BITCH ASS UP im just sitting there in shock like what did he just say that to me. everyone one in the classroom is like Dammmmm you just gonna to take that. So I responded saying damn that's crazy but i don't remember talking to you so he decides to get all in my face and say SHUT UP I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS INTO THE GROUND LIKE ITS NOTHING YOU UGLY ASS BITCH (remember that im still tried and weak from doing class work all night) so i get up and tell him WATCH WHO YOU TALKING TO CAUSE WILL TAKES THIS OUT TO THE HALL RIGHT NOW and he responded saying YOU AINT GOING TO DO SHIT and pushes me back down on my seat so I get up again and tell him to back off but nope he decide to push me back down but this time i grab on his shirt so if i fall he falls because i really didn't want to fight him and i was to tired to even defend myself good if i was to fight. But he didnt fall because he is a big guy and just kept on insulting me in front of the whole class trying to make seem like a weak little bitch and in front the girl he knew i liked. So was just sitting the in front of the class looking weak because i was to tired to even do anything to fight back, looking like his bitch.