My friends left me because i watch anime...

Okay I'm 21 and I study at collage i HAD a bunch of friends in my town and in my collage town whare i go for my exams.Before they all liked me a lot we used to go out every day just to laugh and hang out we all been friends since 4-5 years every one of them called me every day and when i'm away they missed me a lot i tought i had the best friends unti the day i told one of them about my favorite hobbie (animes ) and then a week after that they stopped talking to me so much they did't call as much as before and when i asked them if i did something wrong they told me i'm not the tipe of person they tought i was to be wasting my time with such things and from then on everything fell apart now i have only one friend that still talks to me only couse she got into anime as well but still we talk only once a mounth..sorry for the longs post but IIT for mt friends to think that way or am i realy a problem? the good part is now i have time to watch more. lol

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Anime7

    Good thing they left you, those sound like terrible friends. Try making new ones.

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  • Moonbow

    In other words, your friends are much more intelligent and mature than you are. Guess you'll have to start hanging out with 12-year-olds.

    And BTW, it's COLLEGE, not "collage," Moron!

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    • Thanatos_4_The_Win

      How incredibly shocking it seems to be ur an asshole. Wtf do YOU watch? Jersey Shore?

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      • Moonbow

        I had never even heard of "Jersey Shore" and had to Google it to see what it was!

        "How incredibly it seems to be ur an asshole" doesn't even make sense. What the hell are you trying to say? Whatever it is, you're failing miserably! Instead of wasting your time on an internet website, you should be somewhere taking a class in freaking English grammar, you uneducated ignoramus!

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        • Thanatos_4_The_Win

          The fact that you had to google Jersey Shore is just hilarious. Instead of being a blathering retard who has nothing better to do besides start shit with people, why don't YOU learn to read. It says "How incredibly SHOCKING it seems to be you're an asshole."

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          • Moonbow

            I don't see anything "hilarious" about a person who doesn't spend his/her life sitting in front of a fucking TV and, thus, has never heard of some asinine reality show!

            Your ridiculous statement still doesn't make any sense. Either something IS "shocking," or it ISN'T "shocking." How can something only "seem" to be "shocking"? You're a freaking moron!

            And as for "starting shit with people," YOU are the one who started the SHIT!

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            • Thanatos_4_The_Win

              Apparently you never learned figurative language in Kindergarten. You are just too funny to argue with it's a fucking joke. Basing off what I've seen, you're purposely looking on every story I've commented on JUST to start shit xD who has no life?

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  • meandmrsright

    Anime is garbage. They left you because they are trying to trade up. You are only as good as the other people you hang around. So if your a looser who watches anime they don't want to be like you. I dont blame them.

    J/k j/k

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  • KiraVintus

    Same thing happenx to Me, I used to have many buddies untill I started to like Japan and Anime and most of them are gone.

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  • InfiniteShadows

    All I can say is: Wow.
    Honestly, I AM A HUGE ANIME FAN.
    If my friends have a problem with me watching anime, then they should get the hell out.
    I recommend that you find new friends - people who will respect your likes and dislikes.
    Good luck!

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  • DarnIT

    I agree with "Lilitho5",dude just remember "have good friends not many friends" coz the more people u have in ur life the more you will get hurt only have people in ur life who are really there for you even if its just one person!

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  • Maya05

    They definitely do not sound like good people AT ALL. If they are that judgmental about what other people like, you definitely do not want to be around them. They seem extremely immature and just idiotic. Seriously.

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