My future daily morning rituals

Right now and it's not 100% the healthiest, I'm waking up with a Nescafe Blend 43 with plant milk added and having a simple oat porridge or cheese on dark rye bread or cheese & lavosh crackers for breakfast every morning, but I'm about to make a few adjustments to my daily morning rituals, regularity, and oats I have every morning: spending from 6-9am writing a book, together with brushing my teeth, then having oat porridge with applesauce and cinnamon and waking up with a Turkish-style coffee with plant milk every morning, from 6-9am, also reading my BBC news on my mobile phone if I can, I'll make it a habit and that's my personal ideal as a standard for me to follow, what's yours?

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67% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • ospry

    Not 100% healthy but still far healthier than what most people eat each day

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  • Crocotta1

    I am not available to see the

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  • litelander8

    Coffee makes me get up to shit. And I’m like “yeah, ima get up now”.

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    • normal-rebellious

      That's a pretty good run of your bowels, what does diarrhoea mean to you?

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      • litelander8


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        • normal-rebellious

          Yeah, OK, so far so good.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i drink coffee and watch mash reruns

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    • normal-rebellious

      I probably watch reruns of the horror movie "Stepfather", well, used to, as I'm extremely real, I therefore no longer use fiction, I mostly like real things, like documentaries, real chess, real card games (not as computer games), real transport, not toy cars or buses, not anymore a bus-driving game, I like real food, not food games, real Coke, real Pepsi, real coffee, etc, you can't beat the real thing (it may seem weird to you, but I only like the truth). You never know, I might be tired of reality, not painful reality, but tired of reality for its own sake, and gather some popcorn, watch a movie and be absorbed in the fantasy, remembering that it's not real. There's a chance I'll drink stinking cold brewed coffee (it got cold) and watch a ghost documentary of the ultimate scariness (it does exist), eating beer nuts and drinking no soft drinks but Coke, but it could be the case that my drinking of Coke is expanding my gut, then I have to eat bland foods I don't enjoy and get skinny! Not some French food which is filled with butter, eggs, sugar, salt, and duck fat, which can expand my gut making me a huge obese whale of a domino, and give me heart disease from the cholesterol, making me sick from crepes loaded with creme fraiche which gives you plenty of fresh fatness!

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  • Tinybird

    I know you're normal-rebellion I can tell from the way you type

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    • normal-rebellious

      Er, yeah, thanks.

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