My germaphobe logic

Is very similar to how covid protection is. If ANYONE including me is sick I avoid going near social settings. I avoid people who are sick or don't care to get sick. When I was sick during my school days, I avoid talking to my friends so they wouldn't get it. People who don't care to get me sick pisses me off and sends my germaphobe anxiety sky high! They say "it's just a cold", ok what if I had plans, what if I had an important appointment to attend?!

Anyway..... am I the only one that's extra to prevent getting sick?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • LloydAsher

    You are weird and actually are stifling your own immunity when you live in a bubble like that. Sure it sucks to be sick but living life for me is more important than getting the sniffles every now and again.

    If you have zero trust in your immune system than sure you can act like it. I trust my body to take care of all the mundane shit and in return I eat a multivitamin daily.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It annoys me too especially with covid going around. When covid first came out and it was still mysterious my supervisor came in back then I was working in the building and she was puking constantly and stayed at work! I was pissed. This was like febuary 2020

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  • kikilizzo

    Stupid logic, really.
    Our immune system only works if we expose ourselves to germs because that way our body recognizes it and doesn't make us sick. We are constantly exposed to germs on everything outside like doorhandles and people around us having colds and that is a good thing. During this covid-19 virus-avodiance we have actually gotten more sensitive to the yearly flu and those affected by it have gotten way more sick than in the past, the reason being that everyone avoiding germs so hard in the past 2 years has actually weakened our immune systems... Though in the case of a pandemic it's necessary to stay cautious.
    In terms of regular colds and flus you are doing yourself a disservice by being overly cautious as if you happen to get sick your body won't be used to those germs that most other people are used to and either aren't affected by what so ever, or get very mild colds from, which will result in you getting much more sick than you would if you didn't try so hard to stay well... You are going out of your way to weaken your immune system... If you are so afraid of a normal, healthy amount of germs you should really seek cognitive behavioural therapy.

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