My girlfriend and i watch cartoons as a major passtime
I am busy with school and she is with work. We don't get to spend that much time together and when we do we really can't afford to do much. We are sick of normal television and if its raining out, we will sit and watch cartoons.
Well, so I though until I found out she has a huge facination with cartoons in general. Shes not some sicko anime free (Those people odviously off their rocker and they even creep me out.)
However, I found out about six months into the relationship that she collects all the cartoon videos she can get and has hundreds of them in her house, hidden. Why hidden, she was afraid of me berating her (Something I have never done.) and leaving. It goes so far that she likes both Yugioh and Pokemon.
Well, we started watching the Yugioh Abridged (a parody of Yugioh and its really funny) and she is happy that I watch it with her. However, what else can two people do and since we are both struggling, what else can we afford?
Plus, is it strange that a 21 year old girl is absolutely fasinated with cartoons?