My girlfriend wants me to take medication, feeling down?
Hay guys I have a confession to make. I've never really have taken any medication yet. Well I have but only for depression not for my mood disorder. I know, I should and need it. I don't drink but hate the idea I can't drink At all. I know deep down she is right but I just hate the thought of it. Should I? Let me know what you guys think? I've been feeling depressed lately and angry. I just don't know what to do.
Someone on here thinks I have Borderline personality disorder or histrionic personality disorder. Well...I don't and I understand why you would think that. I was neglected in my early baby years, but that's no excuse. I was diagnosed with high functioning autism (Asperger's syndrome at 9 years old. I was suicidal at 10 years old. In middle school I got called the cops on because I got violent. They took me to a psychiatric hospital to see if I wasn't insane.
All I know is I was always confused with my behavior. I have a hard time understanding people. I can see why people think I'm narsistic. These medications could affect my mental thinking permanently but I hope my doctor is right, they will help me. I have an appointment coming up, and I'm terrified of any sort of medication. My doctor says I might need it for my mood disorder.
(This one message is for my) girlfriend
TL I understand you want me to take meds and I appreciate you for looking out for me and my health.i just don't know if it's the right route for me. I don't know, will see about it. Love you babe. With all my heart.