My girlfriend wants me to take medication, feeling down?

Hay guys I have a confession to make. I've never really have taken any medication yet. Well I have but only for depression not for my mood disorder. I know, I should and need it. I don't drink but hate the idea I can't drink At all. I know deep down she is right but I just hate the thought of it. Should I? Let me know what you guys think? I've been feeling depressed lately and angry. I just don't know what to do.

Someone on here thinks I have Borderline personality disorder or histrionic personality disorder. Well...I don't and I understand why you would think that. I was neglected in my early baby years, but that's no excuse. I was diagnosed with high functioning autism (Asperger's syndrome at 9 years old. I was suicidal at 10 years old. In middle school I got called the cops on because I got violent. They took me to a psychiatric hospital to see if I wasn't insane.

All I know is I was always confused with my behavior. I have a hard time understanding people. I can see why people think I'm narsistic. These medications could affect my mental thinking permanently but I hope my doctor is right, they will help me. I have an appointment coming up, and I'm terrified of any sort of medication. My doctor says I might need it for my mood disorder.

(This one message is for my) girlfriend

TL I understand you want me to take meds and I appreciate you for looking out for me and my health.i just don't know if it's the right route for me. I don't know, will see about it. Love you babe. With all my heart.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Bajazzles

    I think you should try them. I avoided meds for years and kept getting worse. My boyfriend urged me to start taking meds and I'm finally feeling a bit better. It's worth a shot, right? Wouldn't it be nice to feel a little better?

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  • KiwiWisdom

    Go for it. I struggled for years till I finally dragged myself to a doctor and got medication. It was a long hard road to self help, but ultimately it's really just about caring about yourself. I have people who love and rely on me to try my best, but I never thought for a second I was one of them.

    It was only the beginning, I started thinking clearer almost instantly and I was determined to keep building on my success. The more research and effort I put in, the better things got. I'm sorry you had hard times, but try to measure your progress by how far you've come rather than how far you have to go. It's so easy to give in to self hatred and personally it took forever to take control of my own negative thoughts. It's completely possible though to take control of yourself.

    I tried to avoid it for a long time because I was mostly just afraid and embaressed. I reminded myself of this every chance I got and wondered if I'd stopping being myself. As it turns out I did - I turned into a better version of myself. You need to get yourself on your side to change things. You don't know for sure if it's right, but you should probably take a chance if what you're doing right now isn't working. It's awesome you have someone who loves you and cares about your health as a support, but you have to care too and be the foundation for that support. That's just architecture.

    It's not enough to know what's right. You have to do what you know is right. You are in charge. You can make your life better. Don't let anything stop you.

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    • Zonfire80

      Ok thanks

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