My health

Certain foods and foodstuffs will make me sick, anything rich, except perhaps avocados, dates, figs, herbs, chillies, and hazelnuts, will make me sick. I can't have legumes, not even peanuts, coconuts, coconut sugar, coconut syrup, date syrup, maple syrup, palm sugar, rice other than black rice, meats of any kind, any extracted or added fats and oils, potatoes other than sweet potatoes, eggs, honey other than bee's honey, anything else from the bees themselves, the bees themselves, dairy, anything else from an animal, wheat, corn, doughs, breads, cakes, pastries, pastas or noodles of any kind, (but I can eat cookies and biscuits), acids, food acids, or acidity regulators, even the inedible ones, garlic or any alliums, herbs other than herbivorous herbs, natural colorings, artificial ingredients, anything not natural (but I can have natural flavorings, it doesn't bother me),vegetables and starches other than green vegetables, the deepest-colored vegetables, winter squash and sweet potatoes, tinned foods, refined carbs, sweeteners, yeast extracts, algae, salts other than mineral salts, Epsom salts, or any salts occurring in plant milks, therefore olives are to be made with nothing but olives, white wine vinegar, white vinegar and water, and chillies or herbs are optional, a lot of these foods can make you sick, and there's several other foods I avoid because they don't taste good, I know from experience: it's about health, longevity, the environment, morality, taste, texture, smell, and appearance. I was before a lacto-pescetarian, I still didn't eat eggs or any meat, not once (except fish, shellfish and seafood and caviar), until I found out this diet was making me sick, even giving me gastric reflux, it's certain acids, sugars, and fats and oils that are the problem and not lectins as some doctor said, except the lectins in all legumes, certain of these foods are safe to eat, also, it's not flour that's the problem, but wheat, corn and most rice, I can't even have a brown rice syrup, since rice has no energy and no nutrients unless it was black rice, and corn is just an energy source, even maize, likewise, and wheat is simply evil, it's a junk food and it gets raped, I feel sorry for the wheat which sacrifices its being and gets raped by a combine harvester or any harvester, scythe or sickle, that's why I don't eat wheat, it's the most evil food in the world (and I once wrote a post long ago entitled 'Wheat is evil'). :) I never liked wheat since I heard on Charlie's Angel's the rape of wheat, and since I saw anti-wheat fanatics on the internet, that's what made me fear wheat, also, wheat can make you sick, corn and most rice are evil too, it's self-explanatory. This diet, eating wisely, sagely, is science! And it's not all ancient theories!

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Boojum

    You're right about one thing: it's not all ancient theories. It's a bunch of crap you've made up.

    I don't know who I feel most sorry for, Hans - you, or the people who have to put up with you in real life.

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    • Hansberger

      Yeh, crap I made up, which might mean stuff I made up. I'm glad I made it up, we all make things up. The people who have to put up with me in real life (and not the internet life) are happy to support a diet I made up, especially my mother, even my morality, which I used to have, is a bunch of stuff I made up, this to most moralists is wrong, but agnosticism teaches you to invent your own morals, and most people are afraid of weird rules. I hope they're not afraid of this invention of mine (the crap I made up), people who have to put up with me in real life tend to think I'm evil, and I was treated like a villain whenever I was doing the right thing, it's not logical! Therefore, the fine line between good and evil is a crock of shit, I'm now neither good nor bad, and the result is that people don't want to get me any more (woohoo!) because I didn't do the right thing, it's weird if you think about it. To me it doesn't make sense. Retards will get angry with anything moral, and will put you down thus. They act moral themselves, but the truth is they don't care, once morality is out of the picture, the world changes, as my eating is related to this, everyone has to serve me the correct foods because I decided that the wrong food isn't healthy. My mother had to make me a salad with no oil in it, and although I made this up, there are some anti-oil people, and I don't think it has any connection to the internet, oil is known to cause heartburn.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    whenre yall gonna has a nice cheeseburger discussion with me like yall promised?

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    • Hansberger

      I already talked burgers a long time ago, but I do no more, I say when I used to be a burger purist it wasn't cheeseburgers I made, but burgers made with patties of 100% pure beef, with BBQ sauce, lettuce, and tomatoes on a burger bun, the burger patties were fried in oil, and with no "burgery" flavors like kibbled onions, onion powder, ketchup, eggs, or seasonings. I'll make a burger discussion right now now that you mentioned it.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        wouldnt the patty crumble to pieces in a deep fryer specially without eggs as a bindin agent?

        even if it held together it sounds exceptionally greasy

        i take it with all yalls elaborate food etiquette that a good charred burger is gainst the rules

        tell me this do yall force the peoples round yall to live by yalls numerous capricious and arbitrary rulemakin? does yall has burgers one day and then start freakin out causea some random ingredient the next? are yall forcin this on anyone else?

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        • Hansberger

          There's no forcing, and the burgers are shallow-fried in oil, not boiled in oil in the deep fryer. The truth is certain foods make me sick, so I avoid them.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            well that sucks

            i guess im lucky to be able to eat just about anythin and not have problems

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            • Hansberger

              Good for you. My eating is simple: I'm vegetarian because I don't like meat, it's easy to do.

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