My history teacher...
I really like my history teacher. We talk sometimes and he always looks at me in class and barely makes eye contact with some students. He even looks at me while I'm working on something. I really like him. Is this normal?
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I really like my history teacher. We talk sometimes and he always looks at me in class and barely makes eye contact with some students. He even looks at me while I'm working on something. I really like him. Is this normal?
You looking to raise your grade, or raise him?
Get back on track and focus on your schoolwork missy
how old are you and how old is he? if you are 17 and he's 25 then that's one thing.
On the other hand if you're 14 and he's 43, thats an entirely different can of worms.
Dude seriously? History teacher? If you guys are talking about anything related to what he teaches he's probably just appreciative to have a student that gives a shit. if you're a fellow American which I'm guessing you are, and you actually appreciate history, you're a rare breed. He's probably just zeroing in on someone that listens to him. Big deal. Don't label him a pedo unless he advances on you.
It is okay to like him. A lot of people have experienced that during their school years.
As long as you don't go off with the teacher and do things you shouldn't be doing, then your fine.
If you have a crush on him, wait until you finish your class before you flirt with him. He will almost certainly be flattered. However, wait until you are 18 before you even think about making love to him. It is probably legal for him to hold your hand, hug you, and kiss you before you are 18, but anything more than that would be illegal, and he might have to register for the rest of his life as a sex offender, even if you take the initiative.
Hold up, see this is a case of double standard. You can't pin this all on the teenager, even if she does flirt with him and seduce him in an innocent fashion. He is the adult, she is the child, it is he who chooses what decisions should be made in a mature manner and if he fails to choose the right path, he then screwed his own life, not her.
He'd both screw his life up and screw her. Plus if she's 18 then it's legal. The teacher does have a choice in it and he shouldn't do anything until she's 18, but after that it's completely alright.
I'm saying hypothetically if he was to have sex with her while she is underage that it is not her fault, and he should be held accountable, and not her, because he is supposed to be the responsible adult.
but then again, he isn't the writing this post, she is.
In my opinion, it's bad advice to tell a young person that they aren't responsible for their actions, and to depend on others, even "adults" to do the right thing.
As the saying goes - "if not you, who?..."
Ok, again, sermon over, leave the donation in the tin can.
I'm not saying she shouldn't be responsible for her own actions, I'm just saying most people blame the child instead of the adult, kind of like you know it's "always" the woman's fault if she gets raped. Even if they do have to register as a sex offender I don't care, adults have to think of the consequence of their actions, and they never think would they want som freak trying to screw them at 12? "The girl lied and said she was 18" is the lamest excuse I've ever heard. Most of the time the adult is the one who seduces them first so I say if the child doesn't make the first move then it is entirely the adult's fault.
Yeah however old this poster she is old enough to make the decision for herself. If the guy doesnt want to fuck her anyway, then oh well, itd be kinda awkward.
If she is old enough to realize there could be a problem here then she is old enough to know what she wants. If she has sex with her teacher then they should both be held responsible not just the teacher.
It's normal for you to feel this way, but not for him to be staring at you.
Normal, yes. But don't expect anything out of it. I had crushes on my teachers before but that's all they were. Even if I thought the teacher flirted with me too. Later on you'll look back and be like wow I was such a stupid little girl....
Yes, it is HOT! I had teacher fantasies starting in 10th grade. In 12th grade I was seeing a teacher from my high school (I wasn't in his class and didn't meet him at the school, and he was in his early 20s, I was 17, but when i found out he taught there i immediately starting screwing him). I had lots of flirtations w/ coaches and a couple other teachers before then. In college I seduced one of my professors. When that ended one seduced me. When I was in grad school one night one of my professors took out class out for beers, our knees accidently brushed up against each other but we didn't move them apart. He got a huge boner, I got excited and we had sex. He was married. I ended it until after the class and then he came looking for me, and we started having an affair. Eventually he left his wife, and now we have been together 10 years. We still fuck everyday. I love him!
i made out wih my gym teach he got fired and i got exspelled lol i learned my lession!...
Let's hope he's just feeding his ego w/ a little girl hot for him, and not an ass that's on the verge of taking advantage of you.
As for YOU, it is normal to feel this way, but if you REALLY like him, do not get into a situation where something could happen [do not EVER be alone a/ him], as you will have SCREWED his future.
Totally normal for you to like him. Don't sweat it. As for him liking you it depends on how old you are. If you are 16/17/18 then naturally he might be attracted to you, it's biology and he can't help it. However what he musn't do it act on it. Not only is that immoral (I don't think its strictly illegal, not here in the UK) and not only could he (and should) be told to leave your school but it messes up the whole ethos of schools.
So as long as your not really young and you both just think about it then fair enough I reckon.
Barnum---> hahaa <3
sepia---> no it's not creepy, he's flattered and hell might be interested. and even if she's underage and he IS interested, it still may not be creepy because she could be very mature (not just physically =P )
It's so normal it's laughable. I've fallen for half a dozen teacher hahaa it's a thing of convenience, you see them nearly daily, they are older than the other guys your around, (big one for me, I'm very mature, and dig older guys hahaa) and hot damn sometimes they either are adorable, or have killer personalities, or better yet, both!
But seriously, even if he IS interested, experience has taught me don't get your hopes up.
Under 18: yes it's legal to hold your hand maybe even kiss you (depends on school's policies) but don't count on it. He's more worried about his rep and future careers than being interested in a student, no matter how lovely or mature.
Over 18: Slightly more likely, but don't hope for anything real. It happens, I've seen it happen twice. But rarely.
So go ahead, shake yer tush, flirt away, and smile when you think of him, but don't get our hopes up for anything real. Just enjoy the looks of lust! [[what I do]]
u hav a crush on ur teacher, of course itz normal, but him constantly staring at u is not normal...CREEPY actually
just because it's normal, it doesn't mean it's the greatest idea to act on it. all i'm sayig is, be VERY careful no matter what you decide
basically it's like this....even if you're 18, you shouldn't do anything w/ your teacher until they're not your teacher anymore or in the same school you attend anymore because they can & will lose their jobs. it's true that you can't pin it all on the student, but both people would screw everything up. it always takes two people, doesn't it? recently an awesome teacher from my school was fired for a teacher/student relationship. you never think it can happen at your school, but it does.
it is completely normal to like your teacher, it's probably because they're the one person you feel actually cares about you and how you're going
it all depends on the age and whether your parents would approve which i think not
it all depends. Usually, he's not in the same page. Maybe he likes you, but not like you-like you(if you know what i mean). haha..
No decent teacher would ever let something like that get in the way of his job, and I say this as a teacher. You're probably imagining it because you like him.
Maybe your just imagining things. Not to ruin anything for you, just that it is rare for that to happen; i mean, your his student!! A couple of things to consider:
1. Maybe get your friend to observe your teacher's behavior once in class. She or he will tell you if this is actually happening.
2. Your age. that is a big deal in this situation.
3. Also, you are in slight danger. If you end up strongly falling for this teacher, and it ends up effecting your grade s in his class, or becoming obsessive about him, everyone around you will start to drift away from you,, thinking your weird, and especially your friends, they will get tired of it.
Good Luck!
Ignore it. It's just a stupid fantasy. You might even be seeing things that aren't there.
I remember seeing something on that where the main cunt asked to be allowed to go to "sunday school" I assume she is either in juvenile hall, or on house arrest. Obviously her lawyer gave her the idea to make her look like she was trying to be a "better" person. No word on the case lately, I hope they put out the info soon.
"and they never think would they want some freak trying to screw them at 12?"
lol. I like the way you phrased that.
I see what you are saying, and you are right. I remember watching part of that video, and I could not believe what they did to her, I hope all those girls get sent to jail for 10 years or more.
I remember when I was a teen and when men would try to hit on me sometimes their friends would leave, and I would think wow they are smart to try to avoid temptation.
I doubt this teacher even thinks of her that way anyway, it's just an innocent school girl crush.
I nvr saw the vid wat did they do?? They beat someone up and tried to put it on youtube?? How serious was it??
uhhh yea they kept hitting her in her face, and she cried and begged them to just let her leave. As I watched I thought why didn't she just try to get out of the door? I suppose they would have stopped her either way, one of the girls kept saying watch out for her mother's china cabinet, she cared more about a fucking cabinet instead of a human life, it was awful.
In the end the victim lost hearing in one of her ears and vision in one of her eyes so it was pretty brutal. I think the main girl who kept hitting her over and over again is still awaiting trial, I hope to find out what happens to that bitch!
Ouch, I just watched the vid, it was a news one though so censored and not full, plus commentary, but it looked pretty brutal and apparently before the video started they rammed her head into a wall then she lost consciousness and then the people moved her somewhere and started the video.
Really? Is that what the article said or what you think might have happened? If I was the judge I would sentence her to 20 years and I would make the charge a felony that would never be cleared even though she is a minor, infact I would do it to all of those girls. Never in my short life have I ever heard of people doing this to someone without the intention to kill, but to just get famous on a website? People are crazy, I thought we had to look out for all the weirdos who try to steal our kids, now we have to look at for the kids too.
umm.. i guess it depends on how old you are if you want to be in a relationship with him..
i mean if your like 13-17 then thats just fuckin creepy obviously hes a pervert..but if your in college and whatnot then i guess thats fine?..hey you'll an A ha
I had an english teacher (college) who I wondered if he had some kind of crush on me, whenever we had a minute to talk he would shy away from me, it was like he never wanted me to know, but I could tell. Even on the last day of school he put up his address and number and told us we could come by his beach house anytime, and he particularly looked at me, but of course I wasn't interested, he had to have been atleast 40 years old!!!
Stay after school for extra help one day and Shag him till his head explodes.
I agree with Pooltoy it depends on the difference in your age. I know when I was in school, I had crushes on several of my teachers, but I don't believe they felt the same you might think he has a thing for you when in actuality, he don't.
Its normal he might like you too but you cant do anything because hes a teacher rand will lose his job
Yes it is normal love is found in strange places sometimes. You should show your feeling to your teacher, as it would get it off your chest and you would feel better about the situation.
And could let him know you feel the same way. It could be the blossom of a beautiful budding relationship. To break the ice tell him you want to talk about his favorite president.
Truly yours Dr. Leanerd I.A. Rachel
Depends, how old are you? if your above 16, fuck him. you'll at least get some extra-credit, you can then use it as blackmail to get what you want.