My hobby is fantasizing

i'm 18 and never have a bf. since i was in high school, all my friends were girls. idk why i didn't like boys at my school. sometimes i'm jealous by people around who are dating in cinema, hugging, laughing. until i found a man in my mind (i don't even know who he is) and he treats me as his gf. but why do i imagine this all every time? am i stress?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • littlelamb

    well, ur kinda like's maybe bcoz we're craving for a bf just like everybody else has one.
    don't worry it's normal. but make sure it goes away once u get a real one :]

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  • darkmay7

    yea i always imagine a beter life. the guys in my mind are way better than the ones in real life haha-i made them just the way i like them haha

    anyways, is not stress, its normal,
    the thing that sucks though is that is not real, but im sure it can be real someday :)

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  • RakShine

    I can totally relate to this, just flip genders and that's me.

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    • charline

      Why doesn't the guy how said 'flip genders' etc, hook up with this girl - it makes perfect sense, where do you both live, you should consider this to be the beginning of a new a lasting fantasy - fantastic frenzied loving relationship. What do you say. GIVE it a go, you can stop dreaming and jump into the REAL world!!!

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  • miedel

    Personally, I've always hated high school boys. I still do, and for some reason they like hanging around me. I didn't start to like hanging out with men until I broke up with my (older) ex-boyfriend and started dating a better (also older) guy. Now that I'm happily taken and have seen the bad in a man, I value being with both men and women (at times, one more than the other).
    Just don't go rushing into a relationship just because you are single. I remember when I was 18 and I had the BIGGEST crush (four years we were friends) on the only high school guy I ever liked, and he turned into a complete JERK who treats women like crap. The worst thing in the world is giving someone your heart and watching them mess it up and tear it out. You would be better off being cautious with boys, especially high school boys (most of them are barely mature yet).

    But if it suits your fancy, I've always liked socially awkward mates. Always felt they've had more time to think for themselves. ;)

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  • I think you are just fantasizing about what is missing in your life. You'd like to have a bf but haven't met the right guy yet. That is normal.

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    • Telewheels

      Maybe you have not found someone, because you idealize what a relationship should be. No real person can be perfect in the way that you are imagining.

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  • nuckinfuts

    I diot

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