My kitten attacks my jugular.
My kittens favorite place to be is on my chest when I am at the computer. Sometimes she will purr and purr and then out of no where claw me right on the jugular. Is this normal?
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My kittens favorite place to be is on my chest when I am at the computer. Sometimes she will purr and purr and then out of no where claw me right on the jugular. Is this normal?
I read that as "Jaguar".
Cats are a bit unpredictable. Watching how their tails sway can help. If it looks like a candy cane, then the cat should be happy. If low, close to the ground and swaying, then Watch Out! Keep your kitten occupied. Give it catnip and toys.
Rub garlic on your throat. It staves off vampires of all persuasions. Even cute little furry ones.
Although you may then need something to fend off the French men.
Is it normal I read this Jaguar? Your cat might be playing. The fact they are purring might mean they are happy so they want to play.
I talk to my dog all the time. She is the sweetest dog ever. She's part lab, german shepherd and husky. Pure white and is the most lovable baby in the world. She gives me kisses allllll the time and I just love it. I talk to her and she listens and then says things back like she's trying so hard to talk to me. I squeeze her all the time.
if it starts eyeing your carotid, you've got some real soul searching to do.
i don't like cats b/c they are just plain douches.
oops, sorry, I posted this on the wrong page ///// oh well, I still love her :)
My cat would always go for my hair when sitting on my lap. I just keep toys around so if she does get that look in her eye (or tail), i just throw it and she goes crazy after that.
haha shes only 6 weeks old and so far she knows nothing about playing! Just how to kill! lol I love her to death but I'm sometimes scared of her lol