My kitten is too attached to me.

I recently got a kitten. His name is Enrique Alberto Fernando Ricardo y de Acha, III (I've obviously been watching too much I Love Lucy, but anyway...) but I call him Ricky. Anyway, he seems to be WAY too attached to me. He follows me everywhere during the day when he's in the living room, and when he's in the Laundry room for the night (he still isn't litter box trained so we have him there so he wont poop on the couches during the night) he meows and meows until I go and stay with him for about two hours. I, personally, don't mind. But I'm scared that the poor little guy might go nuts when I start school again and have to be gone for hours on end. Help? How do I sort of separate myself from him, without totally traumatizing him and making him hate me? Or will he eventually outgrow it? Thanks in advance.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • Haha12345

    Let's be real. It's a cat. He will be fine if you leave him alone. Young animals feel uncomfortable when they are alone. He won't "go nuts" though. Come back and he'll be waiting for you like you never left.

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  • DisgraceGod

    He'll outgrow it. Cats are very cuddly and affectonate as kittens but as they get older they become more and more independant.

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    • nanimeow

      Depends on the cat. I had one that that did and one cat that didn't.

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  • flax

    Give him your socks (after you've worn them of course). Your smell will be familiar to him and be a source of comfort when he feels alone.

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    • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

      This works well with tshirts too. I had to send my cat away (went to sis's) and i had a white tshirt I wore on purpose for a couple of days. My cat used it as a security blanket... until it got too hairy and it got washed.

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  • rayst

    How come "not litter trained"? I've never trained my cats for the litter, you just show them and they automatically use it. Your kitten is dumb lol

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    • Your mom is dumb, lol.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Aww, very cute. It really depends on the breed. I have an Oriental Shorthair kitten and they need a lot of affection and attention. Otherwise, they can get mopey. They also form a very special bond with one person. My cat is very affectionate and seems to have bonded with me. She follows me around most of the time and she gets upset if she is alone or if you don't give her attention. Another thing is that since he's a kitten, he probably sees you as his mama cat. He may grow out of it or may not. If not, you can try to get someone to watch him when you aren't at home.

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  • noid

    Get a second kitten to keep him company when you're away.

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  • bolddog

    Oh yes very very normal. But enjoy the time now while he's like this because my cat seems to hate me now. She used to follow me everywhere and meow for me all the time when she was a kitten and now she doesn't do any of that :( so enjoy it while it lasts.

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  • kmwwmk

    Awh, :)

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    You might want to consider litter training too, so the cat doesn't have to be locked up.

    You may also want to talk to your vet.

    There's also one method where you put the cat in an enclosed space with room for a littler box and a food bowl - however I don't know how long you're suppose to do that for. Your vet may know.

    The idea behind it is that you're giving your cat a choice on where to go to the bathroom - the food bowl or the litter box. It should end up being pretty clear to the cat that the litter box is the toilet.

    Now some articles say to put the box where the cat wants to go. Personally I believe in putting the box in the bathroom.

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  • maya617

    That's a long ass name. Good that u shortened it to ricky- for u and for the cat!

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  • sweetybug7585

    U might not want to separate from him so quickly or stay gone for hours at a time, it might bring him in to depression try to stay away for an hour at a time and add more and more time and see how he takes it

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  • TyLee

    Awww that is soooo cute!

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  • SweetSherry

    OMG someone said the cat could go into depression do you even think before you write ! A cat going into depression is the stupidest thing I've ever heard and to the OP the cat will survive it won't die of loneliness

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