My kitten is too attached to me.
I recently got a kitten. His name is Enrique Alberto Fernando Ricardo y de Acha, III (I've obviously been watching too much I Love Lucy, but anyway...) but I call him Ricky. Anyway, he seems to be WAY too attached to me. He follows me everywhere during the day when he's in the living room, and when he's in the Laundry room for the night (he still isn't litter box trained so we have him there so he wont poop on the couches during the night) he meows and meows until I go and stay with him for about two hours. I, personally, don't mind. But I'm scared that the poor little guy might go nuts when I start school again and have to be gone for hours on end. Help? How do I sort of separate myself from him, without totally traumatizing him and making him hate me? Or will he eventually outgrow it? Thanks in advance.