My kittens are asleep at the wheel. iin?

I have these 2 kittens that are brother and sister and are 3 months old or so.

They are vet checked and healthy.

They are just so slow and sleepy, it's like the lights are on but nobody's home. Hello, McFly!!! They don't interact with me. They don't play, except once in a while with each other at night. They don't come when I say 'kitty, kitty' and rattle their food around, they just lay there and come out when they please. They don't acknowledge me, they act like I don't exist and they don't even know me, but I should be God to them!! I am the cat master!! Bow to me!! I've never seen kittens like this.

They are weirdos. Is this normal?

How can I get them to give me the respect that is due to me?

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81% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Felines are very independent. They love and loyalty to their owner must be learned, it is not bred into them. Leave them alone, as they are also curious to and will eventually come to you to check you out.

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  • RockerRoseanne

    you don't own the cat, the cat owns you.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Welcome to the world of felines! Felines are curious and extremely independent creatures. They go at their own pace and live by their own rules. Cats spend most of their time sleeping. A part of their tiredness could be because they play at night. Why don't you play by their roles and spend time with at night?

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  • iEatZombies_

    You can't 'make' them respect you. They're cats. Their behavior is normal.

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    Haha, dude, you got cats. You're their staff. If you want to be looked at as a "god" to your pet, then get dogs. When you have cats, they are YOUR god. I found this saying a while ago, and it's so true: "Dogs have owners. Cats have staff."

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  • They aren't dogs, if you expect them to care about you then you are dumb. Cats are not pack animals and have no sense of love or loyalty towards their owner. They stay simply for food and shelter. Infact if they were bigger than dogs, it's likely cats would kill their owners and eat them much the same as a lion.

    Or they have mild brain damage the vet can't detect. It happens.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Depends on the cat, a lot of them simply have very independant personalities. I got lucky with my kitties, I know my younger one thinks I'm mommy. Not sure if the male thinks I'm mom or his girlfriend, but he's always sitting next to me when I'm home and sleeping on me at night.

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    • squirrelgirl

      I swear my cat thinks I'm her girlfriend. Everybody always comments about how attached she is to me. She lets me use her body as a pillow, she gets upset if the door to my room is closed, and when I go outside to run, she will wait for me on my back porch and great me excitedly when I come back.

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  • alv1592

    A lot of cats do that. Sometimes mine come when I call for them, but other times they just sit there. You have to let them move at their own pace.

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  • Just like people, sometimes you get dumb ones - it's normal.

    I have an intelligent one and a retarded one, it's like having two completely different kinds of pets they're so opposite of each other. The dumb one is way easier to manage though, less demanding.

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