My list of people i want to say fuck you to

I get offended by people who don't treat me fairly or the way I want to be treated. I have been very offended by certain actions recently. Someone who I was friends with on facebook unfriended me. I found this out by seeing them on another person's friends list and it had the add friend button by it. They deserve a big fuck you for cleaning their friends list and deleting me. How dare they! Anyone who hides their friends list from their own friends deserves a big fuck you and a bitch slap because they are a pussy. If your friends can't see your friends list then why be friends at all?

Fuck those who make their profiles unsearchable. Even google can't find your shit!!! Facebook itself deserves the biggest fuck you off all because of their censorship and so called "community standards". Sometimes random shit that I post is marked as spam and removed. Facebook is rigged. Every time I say I disagree with their decision to give me a violation it says "we confirmed that your comment violated our community standards." I have never seen them apologize and remove a violation though it is supposed to be possible. They seem to be removing even more content now. I got a violation for "violence and incitement" for saying someone needed to be killed. Every post on the fox news facebook page on Kyle Rittenhouse says that comments were removed for this reason. They would remove a threat against a a pedophile just because of their damn standards.

Also, a big fuck you to news article paywalls. I went to a site today and it said I had one free article left. Who the fuck are they to start counting?! Everyone needs to boycott their site until it's free. Fuck anyone who practices censorship.

The short version of this list is a big fuck you to:
people who hide their facebook
people who censor
people who blindly follow rules such as some cops or other judicial officials
ALL euthanizers
all unnecessary paywalls
people who get in my way

I reserve the right to say fuck you to anyone I wish without consequences.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    Fuck you bitch.

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  • RoseIsabella

    People in Hell want ice water.

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  • EnglishLad

    Fuck you.

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  • hidden.hands

    Maybe deactivate your account or follow pages or groups that you like and that are funny and focus more on positive or funny things

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  • bbrown95

    Is this just a vent or would you like advice?

    If the former, disregard everything after this sentence. If the latter, try not to let people rent too much space in your head. They are not worth this amount of energy. I know that is much easier said than done, but it will be better for you in the long run.

    If someone removed you from their friends list because they were cleaning it out and removed people they were no longer in regular contact with, it probably wasn't personal and was not someone who was close to you and really mattered too much anymore, anyway. I get it sucks sometimes, but it's best to let those go and move on. There are other more important people in your life. If it was someone you are close to and they removed you out of the blue, consider that it might be because of a personal issue within themselves. Either way, sometimes people removing themselves from your life can be a blessing and what we call "the trash taking itself out", or just simply making room for better people in your life. They did you a favor in this case! Also, is it possible the profile in question is a second profile, or a replacement for an old one that was deleted/hacked/locked out, etc.?

    As for private profiles and friends lists, I think FB makes your friends list private if you choose to go with a private profile. Many people choose a private profile for a multitude of good reasons. Typically, they want to limit their posts to only people they know and don't want strangers or people they don't want to associate with lurking, which is understandable. I think the private friends list thing may have started because some people create a lot of drama over their friends being friends with people they don't like (which is a shame, but it's very common; though I do agree that it's pointless to be friends with someone like that). Really, it's their right to privatize this information if they choose. Assuming these people are not a significant enough of a part of your life to be friends with you, why should you care what they post and who they're friends with, anyway? It's a waste of your time, which is life's most precious commodity. Why give it to them?

    It sounds like it might do you some good to take a break from Facebook for awhile since it seems to be such a source of unhappiness for you. TBH, I barely log in anymore and definitely don't feel I am missing out. It's a good tool for occasionally reaching out to old friends and looking up info for local businesses and events that might not have a website, but the rest just seems like a time waster and a way to fuel people's insecurities if you ask me.

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