My mom is a drug addict

My mom is addicted to drugs, she's never herself whenever I see her. She's never sober and I miss her so much. I remember being younger and her being an actual good mom. Now she's just some druggie who's always high on some shit. I miss her.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Sorry about that. Your old mom is still in there... buried under the drugs and her addiction.

    Some people kick the habit, and then the old person returns. However, there's always a change and often you cannot truely go back to what it was like before.

    I'd seek out a group of other people in your situation... You need friends who understand.

    I wish you well and great success in your life... and keep praying that your mom overcomes her addition at some point.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    My mother's a drug addict as well who dumped me and my brothers off with her parents the second being a parent started cutting into her nightlife, she's also a pathological liar and a thief who stole at least $10,000 worth of cash and property from multiple people in our family.

    My last two interactions with her were me ripping her door off its hinges & knocking her on her ass when she stole my debit card (after lying straight to my face that she didn't have it) and giving her CPR when she overdosed in my grandmother's bathroom where her eye exploded in the process. I've completely given up on her and will not shed a tear the day she dies of an overdose.

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    • Boojum

      "her eye exploded"

      What a lovely image that creates in my mind.

      How the hell does an overdose or CPR even make that happen?

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        I think her blood pressure was on par with a fire hose is the only reason I can think of, I know melting down and injecting pills into your veins will sometimes give you high blood pressure and she's been doing it for about 30 years injecting Roxys, opanas and xanaxes 4 to 5 times a day. So that's my theory.

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  • SwejSag

    The only shot drug addicts need is a bullet through the head.

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    • beautifuldisaster91

      Omg wow. You're a shit person to even comment such hate.

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    • truthtellereaglefuck

      Your comment is so disgusting and abhorrent that I'm at a loss for words.
      What you person just said is: "Human beings sick with a disease should just executed."

      Despite your total lack of empathy for your fellow man, you should know you're not immune to addiction.

      And BTW your post is literal Nazi rhetoric.

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  • kelili

    Drug addiction is where we lose people and we have to mourn them because most often they never come back. The worst is when we try to help and end up being hurt and seeing no result.
    Just tell yourself that as much as you miss your old mom she is gone and that you can do nothing to save her.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Is it opioids?

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