My mom leaves the door unlocked at night?

Not just at night but during the day when I go to school!!! Plenty of time I have locked the house before we both leave but she caught me with the only key left in the household. We have no key left for the doors and I can't sleep at night anymore. I'm seeing a psychiatrist right now and it's helping me sleep nowadays. I no longer feel safe near my house or even my Mom. She's completely crazy and she leaves all the windows open and it makes the house icy cold.

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Comments ( 6 )

    Tell her about the serial killer, Richard Ramirez. He once said he very often just walked around looking for the first open door or window rather than making a ruckus breaking into places.

    Somewhat paraphrased I'm sure, he said, "Hey, know how they tell you to lock your doors and windows? LOL. Yeah. You should probably actually do that."

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      thats a good solution just leave the murder channel on 24/7

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  • olderdude-xx

    I grew up in a town where I doubt anyone locked their doors...

    This may be totally normal for her.

    You view a different situation than what she grew up with.

    Your counselor should be able to arrange a discussion with your mom and work out how to deal with door security.

    Why don't you get copies made of the key? Standard practice and they are not expensive to get. Check to make sure they work though. Copies of a copy of a copy can get enough differences that they don't work.

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  • Somenormie

    A big concern is that someone can break in.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    We used to do that but then again we lived in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains with only 1 neighbor for 6 miles & surrounded by woods & trees for twice that distance.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      My neighbor used to rob drug dealers and his doors on his house didnt even shut all the way. Idk how that dude is alive today.

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