My mother
There isn't a way I can say this that won't make mothers out there think I'm an ungrateful daughter or others think my Mom is batshit crazy. I'm not gonna sugar coat it to make things play out in my favor. Basically I need to know whether it's normal to dislike a parental. (Hates a strong word overused with teenagers and try as I might my mum never took me seriously when I said "I hate you".) My mum well and truly hates my boyfriend for "taking me away", when in actuality my mother pushed me away. She pushed me away everyday and towards the end of me living with her, she was no longer subtle about it. She gave me an ultimatum. To pick between her and my partner. Naturally I was torn, wanting maternal affection and to still be with the man I love. She tried prying us apart by saying loudly all the bad things about me so my boyfriend could hear about it in the other room. She treated him like absolute shit and tried turning me off him for dumb things like his weight or mental illness. And when I was no longer getting income (because I'm in a relationship) she kicked me out over Christmas. Yet her whole moodlet changes within the months leading up to now and she calls me regularly to try guilt tripping me. I'm no stranger to my mothers ways. I have been manipulated into feeling sorry for her and abused by her, both emotionally and at one point in my childhood, physically. Now that I'm away from her I'm more attuned to her ways. Still, she makes me feel sorry for her sometimes that I chose to live with my partner. Even if it was mostly her idea she really plays on it each phone call. She called me today even, to tell me I'm off the will that she had made out and promised to me since I was a kid. As dark as it sounds, that will was my beacon of hope that kept me going through all her toxicity. I hoped in a weird, sick, way to be one day rewarded for putting up with her for so long. She honestly doesn't seem phased if I was waiting out for her to die so I could claim inheritance. She talks about death all the time since I've left and sometimes even before all of this. Is it normal to not feel as guilty as she'd like me to be? Sorry for the rant but I thought it necessary to provide some backstory ANY ADVICE OR THOUGHTS APPRECIATED