My mother's narcissistic

I have learnt that my mother's toxic and has a narcissistic view on life, I am just looking for advice on how I can heal from this and become more assertive

For context, I will be posting a comment of a more detail side of what I've been through

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Comments ( 8 )
  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    It happens. My mother is batshit crazy. I remember I told my mother I was depressed and she was like "then fuckin kill yourself!" and hung up LOL. My mom is a bitch dude. I had to quit talking to her to keep my sanity. Idk how my dad is still sane because now she takes it out on him because I'm gone. You have to figure out how to remove yourself from that situation. Its gonna feel sad at first but it will be better. Once you start only talking to her like 4 times a year it gets better because she wont have anything to bitch about

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  • my_life_my_way

    Narcissists can be incredibly difficult people to deal with, especially when they are your immediate family but you did the right thing in moving out. If you do not feel comfortable cutting her out of your life then it would be best to get someone you trust and who understands the situation to go with you.

    Make it clear to your mother that you understand how she is trying to manipulate you and how you think she has treated you unfairly regarding your mental illnesses. But also offer to listen to her and try to understand how she may be feeling in regards to her actions.

    These kinds of people can be difficult but they are still human beings, deserving of compassion and empathy.

    Best of luck and I hope everything works out for you. ❤️

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  • trueman

    You can refer to some psychiatric lessons on YouTube to know how handling and always remember she is your mother.

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  • Ellenna

    Just how did you "learn" this?

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    • I told my psychiatrist about her and that was his conclusion

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  • dirtybirdy

    Cut that toxicity out like the tumor she is.

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  • My mum has been a big influencer on my life, and to who I am now I'm thankful for my partner, he has given me confidence to be myself. My mum despised this relationship as I ended up moving away to be with him. She saw him as a threat to her for she has attachment issue. she has tried breaking us up and it's clear to me she wants that to happen so that I would have no choice but move in with her. I don't want to live with her even though I care for her she is difficult to live with. I always made the excuse to myself that she's old and probably doesn't realize how difficult it can be to get a job or know of the struggles of my mental illness. She definitely didn't help with my self esteem. She would be repetitive on her opinions and try to get me to believe in them and one of her opinions was that I was too fat to get a boyfriend but I ended up getting one anyway. She's the main cause to an eating disorder I have. It's pretty messed up of how she's my mum and yet knew how to hurt me whenever I was already feeling at my lowest. She discovered I was dealing with depression and did not handle it well as a caring mother would. She forbade me from even seeing a counselor or to go to therapy and she didn't give in until I was 17 with a suicide attempt under my belt and a few others she doesn't know of. Only thing that made this one different was public got involved and called the police they escorted me home and insisted to my mum on me getting therapy or being medicated. Even then she took it as if I were rebelling and trying to make her look like a bad person and she valued her pride so much that she only then let me go to counseling. Her latest shanigan is trying to make me feel bad for moving out by wanting me to travel to my home town to discuss with her making a will. Despite my attempt of telling her I found this topic morbid she insists and I have a strong feeling she is just doing this so I can go there and she will try manipulating or guilt tripping me into staying there

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Don't even bother getting on her will. She'll probably use the fact that she's giving you things against you later on. It's best to cut your losses and move on from this one. Just because a person is family, doesn't mean you have an obligation to take their abuse.

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