My older half brother joined a conservative christian cult is rude to us
It’s not normal, I know.
He joined this intense Christian group back on 2011. Their leader thinks he’s a final prophet who curses people publicly, including my family, l for not accepting my brothers beliefs.
He no longer lets my mother see her own grandchildren. He flipped on her for owing a pet saying her cats are idols before the lord. Her cat mittens bite my niece (who’s old enough to know better) and he bitched about how unclean they are and he won’t bring the new born around her, obviously she knows not to let a cat jump in a babies face . My mother loves her cat, honestly when she going through her illness Mittens was there for her more than him. He claims she’s hating her neighbor and god for not getting rid of them.
What else? He eats only organic saying pesticides are sinful for killing the environment (I actually agree to an extent) but he and this organization consider it betrayal if a member eats anything that isn’t organic.
He’s active on Facebook but frequently gets blocked and I hope it’s permanent soon. He’s tells people God hates them and they must repent. He told one lady he’s never met her mother died of Alzheimer’s for being a Catholic and celebrating Easter and the same will happen to her if she doesn’t repent.
No one in the family talks to him anymore, not even my mother. Since she doesn’t believe as he does and still has a cat he won’t let her see her grandchildren because he doesn’t want her to “pervert” them. He’s upset I’m in college and following leftist propaganda, and claims I love nobody but myself and deserve my depression. He’s wife is a snooty bitch and thinks she should serve him.
I forget he exists sometimes.