My parents aren't replying to my texts


Last week after I left my mother's house going back to my house after new year's, I decided to text her to let her know I got home safely and that I had to get myself a new wallet because my old one broke...she left me on read and never replied. I didn't send her anything disrespectful but was worried because she hasn't been online via; Facebook or messenger for a while..

I couldn't figure out why she stopped texting me back but didn't want to worry too much in case I was overthinking. Now I'm convinced she's not speaking to me because she must be upset about something I don't know about.

When I left her place, we were actually on good terms never argued or anything. I texted my father also Today but have not gotten a single reply from him. I assume he doesn't have any phone credit but he always has phone credit so I can't figure out why neither of them are wanting to say a word to me.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • Mini69

    Do you not realise your phone also has a function that allows you to make an actual telephone call. You should find out how that works and call them!!

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  • horny_simpletons

    Call them or go see them.

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  • olderdude-xx

    If someone unexpectedly stops responding to normal messsages you should do some investigation.

    Call them and see if they are OK.

    If you cannot get through on the phone. Call a neighbor and ask them to check on them.

    If none of the above works. Call their local police department, explain that your parents have stopped responding to your nomal texts and don't answer the phone, and ask them to check to see if they are OK.

    The police routinely do these kinds of checks. Most of the time the people are OK. Other times they are not.

    When I was in college I was a resident manager for 77 units in 4 buildings across several blocks in Madison Wi.

    3 times the police asked me to open the apartment for just such a check as no one answered when they knocked on the door. 2 of those 3 cases the people were severely injured or sick and could not answer the phone, and the police immediately got the paramedics and ambulance to get the people to the hospital. The 3rd one was dead.

    I hope none of those situations exist... and that it's just a broken phone or something. But, please make contact somehow or call the local police to check on them.

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  • kelili

    I would be dead worried if my parents did not reply to my texts. You really should check them or send someone to check them. Try to call them first.

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  • Wow3986

    This isn't good at all. They're D-D-D-D-DEAD!

    I'm sorry for your loss. Cheer up.

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  • adobeslats

    Funny enough Ive been accidentally blocked by both my parents before, and yes it was actually accidental, they had to ask me to unblock myself off their phones. lol

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  • jodi1955

    I understand the frustration, my son will not answer my texts.

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    You need to do a wellness check on them. Put aside any resentment for them not answering. There could be several reasons.

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  • darefu

    Maybe you don't remember, you were drinking and drugged up.

    When you left you stabbed them both and slit their throats.

    Not going to get anymore texts from them!

    Really call or check on them, it may just be your texts aren't going through or they have their phones off. Us old people do that sometimes.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Maybe they accidentally put their phones on airplane mode? My dad did that this past week.

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      • darefu

        I've done that myself. Matter of fact, I went to the doctor this past week, put my phone on silent while I was there and promptly forgot about it for most of the day. Missed texts and calls all day.

        What a nice peaceful day! Lol

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        • RoseIsabella

          I put my phone on Do Not Disturb when I go to sleep at night. I know a moronic person who used to call me, not leave a message, and then text me to say they are trying to call me. 🙄

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          • darefu

            It's kind of nice, although I do have a hard time if I do that at night.

            I always think about an emergency coming up and no one being able to get ahold of me. Especially one of my children.

            I have just gotten to where I turn the volume way down. It wakes me just enough to look over at my phone and see who is calling or texting.

            Most people know I can be a real grumpy B if you bug me in the middle of the night and it's not important.

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  • Somenormie

    Maybe they're busy.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Pay her an person visit to see what's up.

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