My phone broke and i need help!

My iphone 4s broke the other day, it wasn't smashed or anything but the screen went smaller and smaller until nothing, I quickly got up to plug it into the charger but nothing happened only the ping noise it makes when it connects to the charger so I knew it wasn't completely dead, I went to get a new one..
But the one that broke has many photos on, some backed up a lot arent but im only bothered about 10 of them as they mean a lot, its my own fault I know..
Anyway I plugged it in to the pc knowing it was still connecting to get them through iTunes but I was disappointed by the fact iTunes required the phone unlocking by the passcode and obviously I cant because the screen just shows lines so im so close but so far away.
Some repair shops have said they can transfer all photos of my broken phone but I don't know whether to trust them as the main phone dealer shop said no chance..
Im just wondering if I went to get it unlocked would it work? Can it be unlocked by a pro with no working screen? :( Or does anyone know how to by pass a code??


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Comments ( 2 )
  • stinkyslob13

    just take it in to a phone repair place to get the screen fixed

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  • jethro

    Call the San Bernardino Police. They paid a lot of money to get a pass code broken on an iPhone. I think they know how to do it.

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