My rat is sick
My rat looks awful. shes uncoordinated and just mopes about. she has a lot of porphin or whatever its called around her eyes. and shes super lethargic. shes previously had a benign mammory tumor removed and did great through all of it. and all of a sudden out of no where one mornin bam shes totally weak. i took her to the vet and they said its either a respiratory infection or maybbe a more serious tumor inside of her. they gave her an injection of baytril which after i learned is not the best method. she takes little tiny nibbles hardly any food. and ive only gotten her to take a couple ccs of gatorade and her antibiotics. but im really worried about her coordination. is it normal for rats with a respiratory infection to fall over or be really out of it? i just want to make her comfortable and do what i can to save her. and those who know about rats know we take our pet rats very seriously so please any help to my disposition would be greatly appreciated.