My rats won't climb?

I got my rats yesterday. I got them this cage that has a ground floor and two levels with ramps leading up to them. Their food was on the second platform, and their water was on the first.
The two rats explored the first floor, but refused to go up the ramps. I got worried, and googled what to do. People said to pick up the rats and put them on the different levels so they know to go up there. Unfortunatly they imediatly jupmed down.
I made a treat trail all the way up to the second platform, and one of the rats eventually climbed all the way up. The other, however, refuses to go up the ramps at all.
I moved their food and water to the ground level yesterday, but today I moved them to the first platform since I knew the one rat could get up there. I'm still super worried they will get hungry and thirsty and won't explore further. Are they going to be okay?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • mysistersshadow

    I'd put the goodies up there they'll figure it out.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    Give them a couple of weeks to adjust to their new surroundings and if they don't do what they are supposed to, take them to a rat psychiatrist.
    I had rats when I was a young lad and found them very friendly.

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  • ThePurplePanda

    Is the second floor made from a different material or unstable? Your rats may refuse to stand there if the second floor appears unsafe. Is the top of the cage uncovered? Your rats might not like being in direct light as they are nocturnal.

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  • okay now they made it up but they freak out and cower away from me whenever i walk into the room even though I give them treats whenever they make progress

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  • RoseIsabella

    I do think it's kinda weird as rats are usually really good climbers.

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