My roommate keeps finding paranormal exlanations for everyday things.

He is my next door roommate, everytime a door moves on its own or a window opens or when recently an old rubber pipe gave way and snapped, he attributes it to ghosts. He is certain that we're being haunted.

and whenever I give a logical explanation he goes to la la land claiming I've not tried seeing the issue from all sides etc.

he also happens to be a conspiracy nut, and all his sources are unreliable.

He believes:
-9/11 is a hoax
-The US is using an Indian rock to harness energy
-India invented the 1st plane and the British stole the concept and sold it to the Americans
-The moon landing was staged
-The world is being controlled by the rich

he also happens to be Hindu(unnecessary information)

He says my logical mind in unable to comprehend the paranormal.

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Comments ( 25 )
  • pixie44

    He sounds a bit paranoid. But just let him have his imagination I guess that's his personality. As long as he's not hurting you or himself who cares.

    But to be honest the world is being controlled by the rich in my opinion.

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    • That may be true to an extent.

      I've decided to accept your advice, in fact that's exactly what I've been doing, especially after I tried to correct him once and we got into a never ending conversation about why the lunar landings are not a farce.

      Now I just say, yeah.. sure.. that's interesting.
      and play along acting surprised about all the "secrets" that have been "hidden from the common man".

      I'm just concerned he wants to do some massive remodeling of our kitchen and sprinkle cow urine everywhere regarding the ghosts.
      and since he never pays back his due, I'm worried i'll be stuck with the bill.

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      • Ace9

        U're just gonna leave him to his idiotic world? U're roommates for fuck's sake! WTF, bro?

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        • Not much I can do about it, and I don't have the time to spend nights collecting information and sources to refute his points or give a rebuttal that would convince him, Nor can I get him to sit and listen for an entire day(this all will take time)

          It's not easy to change someone's point of view.

          So I just settled with letting him believe what he does, I don't have the energy to correct him.

          But I do urge YOU to continue telling people the truth on my behalf.

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          • Ace9

            Sure thing, dawg. I won't let u down ;)

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  • handsignals

    What if Obama... for the government!

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    • Ace9

      Holy shit, man!!! Could that be true?!?!?

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    • XD

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  • Legion

    Crazy people are so funny! My aunt threw holy water on my uncle cause he was talking in his sleep, she believes that her tv was angry with her, and that Satanists imprint their evil on stuff at Wal-Mart.

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    • he he

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  • noid

    The rich do control the world though.

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    • Ellenna

      You beat me to it, at least he got that right

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      • He's been sleeping out every night this week.
        He also forces me to leave his bedroom light open even though he doesn't sleep in his room at night.

        He owes me money for groceries.

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        • Ellenna

          Time to get a new and sane housemate

          How does he "force" you to leave his light open - I assume you mean turned on? I hope he's putting in extra for the electricity being wasted?

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          • Murun

            Light means window as well as illumination device.

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            • I meant the tube lights and bulbs, he didn't own nightlights.

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          • no he didn't, he tries to weasel his way out of making payments, He still owes me for gas, $67, and the apartment keys which he lost.

            He's moved out now, but I plan for him to pay me back this week.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Nut jobs abound in this world. Some of them even want us to believe that they believe the world is flat. Really, really bananas. Apes aping idiots.

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  • Murun

    Unfortunately normal. I know people like that. One even believes the earth is flat!

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  • Final Update:
    My Roommate has moved out.

    1st , not long after I posted my question, my friend had decided to return to the apartment, but he brought another guy pal of his to sleep with him in his room.
    they both slept in the same bed in boxer shorts, I'm not sure if this is a cultural thing but it was weird.

    then he left his friend in the apartment and moved into the house of another friend(female and not his girlfriend), his friend stayed in the apartment and slept in his room and ate my food(he still owes me for that)

    then one day out of the blue, his gang came and emptied his room without telling me, I found out he had decided to leave the room without telling me.

    I only discovered he had left, when the landlord asked me if I knew anyone who'd want to rent the place, I had presumed my roommate had gone on vacation.

    I was extremely furious and called him demanding he pay me what he owed before hightailing it. He promised, he would and then blocked my number.

    I finally got in contact with him and was able to get him to promise to pay me when he comes to pickup his shirt(which I found in my laundry)

    I just hope my next roommate is a decent fellow.

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  • Update:

    My roommate just ran out of his room, he'll be staying the night at his girlfriend's place.

    He claims he heard a human whistle, hence we are haunted.

    I told him the landlady's dead husband lived in our apartment, just for fun =D

    P.S. our neighborhood is quite a noisy one, I suspect our neighbor who trains dogs is responsible for the aforementioned whistling.

    I'm wondering how much, all this will escalate.

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  • RoseIsabella

    He sounds like a kook. Does he ever listen to Coast to Coast AM with George Noory?

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    • I'm not sure, I may have to ask him.

      he does listen to weird crackpots on Youtube though.

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      • RoseIsabella


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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          time for an obscure art bell reference

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