My roommate keeps finding paranormal exlanations for everyday things.
He is my next door roommate, everytime a door moves on its own or a window opens or when recently an old rubber pipe gave way and snapped, he attributes it to ghosts. He is certain that we're being haunted.
and whenever I give a logical explanation he goes to la la land claiming I've not tried seeing the issue from all sides etc.
he also happens to be a conspiracy nut, and all his sources are unreliable.
He believes:
-9/11 is a hoax
-The US is using an Indian rock to harness energy
-India invented the 1st plane and the British stole the concept and sold it to the Americans
-The moon landing was staged
-The world is being controlled by the rich
he also happens to be Hindu(unnecessary information)
He says my logical mind in unable to comprehend the paranormal.