My scars scare me. iin?

So I used to cut myself a few years ago, until I realized it was causing more problems than it was solving.
I don't cut myself anymore, but I have an entire fore-arm completely filled with silver scars. I'm completely over the problem, but I'm paranoid about someone seeing the scars. I understand that they're a part of me now, but that's the part I'm not comfortable with anybody finding.
Is that normal? Cause common belief is that cutting is a 'cry for attention'. Trust me, it's the last thing I want.

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76% Normal
Based on 78 votes (59 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • I used to cut and burn my arms. At one point I even cut up my face a little. I didn't do it for attention, I didn't do it because of some emotional reasons, I just wanted to do it. I think my facinationwith blood was part of it. I have the scars on my arm now, and a few on my face, although the face ones aren't as noticable, they all irritate me. If they didn'y leave scars, I would probably still cut.

    When people ask me "How did you get those scars" I reply "Stupidity", because that's how I see it as I realize that these scars will be with me for ever.

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    • dejaentendu!

      I think I'll say 'stupidity'. It sums it up perfectly. :)

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      • rin

        I didn't do it for long but it's definitely an addiction. Talking about it I can almost feel it!

        and I agree with ItDuz that's why I feel like an idiot b/c I'll always have these scars. Oh well. hehe.

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  • Mraaronbill

    I just got a kick ass tattoo over mine ! I used to self harm because of guilt and self hatered , horrible time in my life ! Just tattoo over them . Admittedly they are still there but only when you look real close .

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  • scumfuck

    everyone knows chicks dig scars..

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      That is war scares not self hating.

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  • That_Dude999

    I never did cut myself, yet I bear many scars from shattered bones and cut flesh!
    Scars are a reason to be proud, however one obtained them! They are the proof that, whatever ill has striken you, you were bold and pushed through.
    The urge to harm yourself is as much a mental illness as paranoia! It is horrible and unfortunately take prisoners. Anyone who took up the fight and managed to stop hurting themselves should be proud!
    Don't worry about the scars, show them ! They document your success to endure any ill that fate hurled at you!!!
    Stay strong!

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  • Avant-Garde

    I used to cut on my mouth/face. I used to have deep grooves in my lips that sometimes would bleed.... I didn't use razors so, I had to get creative....
    I stopped trying to hurt myself in that sense.

    I talked to someone who was bothered about cutting and viewed it as a cry for help. There's something sad about it. It used to not occur to me that I was "self-harming" myself. I don't even think that I knew what I was doing to myself or that other people did it too. Now I find myself trying to see if others have cuts on them.

    I was recently at starbucks and I was looking at the cashier and my eyes went to her arms. She had cuts and I started to feel really emotional. I didn't cry, but I felt upset...

    It's normal to have this fear, especially when they're some very stupid and judgemental people in this world. If you want you could cover them with long selves or get a tattoo to remind you what you've accomplished.

    Good luck!

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  • Gena45

    It's totally normal. Most cutters like their scars while they are still cutting (although most hide it from other people). But when they stop cutting themselves, they hate their scars. Try putting vitamin E on them everyday. And don't worry you're not the only one that has to deal with the cosmetic effects of cutting.

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    • dejaentendu!

      Thanks! I'll try that. :)

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  • Nickster198137

    omg, SAME HERE, im always scared to look at them...or even take my hand out of my pocket in public places :/

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  • I used to cut as well and certainly not for attention. If that were the case, I wouldn't have spent the best part of two years hiding what I was doing. Either way, scars do fade eventually but I still have them visible on my arms and some on my legs.

    I usually keep my arms covered because I don't want to deal with being asked how I got them and I feel much more comfortable that way.

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    • dejaentendu!

      I try to keep my arms covered, but in the summer it's impossible without raising suspicion!

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      • Wear a denim jacket or light gypsy tops, like out of chiffon/floaty material, it covers them and hides them but you still look summery :)

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    • rin

      That's how I feel some people are just nosey.

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      • Ikr? Or they stare and stare, it's so rude.

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  • TyLee

    If you have an armful of scars (as I do) you will know that cutting is not just for show or attention. It is a serious problem. I also am over it however if you did it for a good reason don't be bothered by your scars. I don't want anyone to see either. I don't blame you. I was bullied by classmates, totally neglected by my family, and abused terribly by a boyfriend that I shouldn't have even have had because i was young and should have been enjoying life but relied on him to live (eat, get to school etc) Now I wish I hadn't cut because I have scars but I don't feel dumb for doing it because cutting is a mental thing and at the time it felt right. It's very easy to question your choices months or years later (when things are different) but you made the decisions that you did while whatever was going on so there must have been a good reason.

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    • dejaentendu!

      It seemed to be a good reason at the time. It was a lot, but I do wish I'd picked another option. Something not quite so physically scarring!

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      • rin

        Why'd you do it? It's hard to remember but I believe I was curious. So I did it and I loved it. I was fascinated with everything about it. It kinda felt like Christmas when you open a present (break a razor to get the blades out) rush to get it out of the package and use it. Does that make sense? I'll have to say that I wasn't in the best mental state of my life (depression w/ psychosis). Not sleeping and being paranoid/hearing things along with being alone all of the time caused it I think. :P

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        • dejaentendu!

          Well, I get what you mean. That's how I felt too! But I did it because I had these nightmares that wouldn't leave me, and it got to a point where not only could I not sleep, I was hallucinating in the day and I couldn't get away, you know?
          So I deduced that physical pain releases endorphins and would make me happier.
          Truthfully, it did work.
          But still not worth it.

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  • rin

    I understand and I feel the same way. Whenever I'm around people working or whatever I'll realize that I can see my scars and I get really paranoid. It makes me feel like an idiot that I even did it and even more so that I did it in such a noticeable place.

    I worked with a girl who also did it but she use to tell everyone and show them and it kind of pissed me off b/c I don't want people thinking I want attention that's the last thing I ever wanted.

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    • dejaentendu!

      Yeah. People treat me completely differently when they see the scars, and I can't stand it! I'm not that person anymore!

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