My sister has brain cancer and is addicted to pain killers

My 24 year old sister, shes the most beautiful woman in the world, was raped, put into shock, brought to the hospital and the doctors found a tumor in her brain and she got diagnosed with brain cancer 2 years ago. It seems like a blur now but she was on chemo for awhile, it did nothing but made her sick and pale and skinny. She was given any type of pill. Xanax for anxiety, vicadin for the headaches, percocet, hydrocodone.. she is also addicted to the IV painkillers she is givin, I guess it's pretty much like heroin. I used to drive her to different hospitals so she could go to the ER to get her "fix", until I realized she was addicted. I'm not one to judge though, she does have brain cancer, what if she's really in pain? But doctors have refused to give her pain medication now, and if they do, they only prescribe her 6 or 10 pills. She just isn't the same sister anymore. She's always sleeping and she doesn't even do her makeup anymore. I'm wondering what you think about this?

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Mel

    Well it all she in remission, has it shrunk the cancer? Is she going to continue to get treatment? OR is it terminal? <---nothing they can do. 1st of all, brain cancer & or any tumors in the brain (along w dimensia/alzheimers) ALL change the persons brain activity & behaivour. Shes NOT going to be the same. She very well might be in severe pain, ALONG with abusing the drugs. It really depends on her condition. No one but her, or someone in a similar situation could ever understand what shes truley going through. So in my opinion, just be there for her & dont judge her...spend what time she does have left, spending time & loving her. You will miss her incredibly, when shes gone.

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    • babe308

      You are SO right. Seriously, she is not the same at all. When the doctors first found her brain tumor it was growing at a very slow rate, which was bad, even more so because her tumor is "inoperable" it is located on her motor strip so trying to remove it would cause serious harm to her. So they tried chemo, to me that did nothing but lower her immune system making her even MORE sick. They told her she would not be able to have children since the chemo destroyed her eggs for some reason. She does have one child though, a 3 year old daughter. But they told her she had only 5 years left to live. She has 2 MRI tests every month and so far her tumor has not grown but it has not shrunk any either.

      I will always be here for my sister. I go to her house almost everyday to clean and help out with her daughter that I love dearly, and will take her as my child if my sister does pass. I live everyday as if she will live the rest of her life. She doesn't like talking to anyone about herself though, I try to be as close with her as I can.

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  • sherry

    Addiction is the least of her problems. She should have anything the dr will give her.

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  • Terry...

    You say your sister still has cancer, even after treatment, so I am assuming she is now terminal. What does it matter if she is addicted to painkillers at this point? The main issue at hand is that she is comfortable and out of pain. It sounds like her doctors are managing her meds so she isn't taking more than needed, which can be dangerous. Also, her fatigue is typical of someone with cancer and chronic pain. It knocks the wind right out of you.
    She isn't doing her makeup? Well, if I had terminal brain cancer, had chronic pain and had very little strength, the last thing I would care about is makeup. She is tired, sick and most likely depressed about it all. Who wouldn't be to be struck down at her age with such a thing?
    Perhaps you could try to help her have some happy moments while she is still here, even if it is just sitting with her through a funny movie or relating funny stories with her. She needs you now more than ever, so try to focus on what matters and help her have the best quality of life as she can while she is here.
    You are very special to care about her so very much. You must love her very much.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Im so sorry about your sister. She has been through a horrible time and she will get better but you have to help her as much as you can. If she seems suicidal don't take it lightly.
    I had severe panic attacks and only in the past two years I have been on the right meds which helped me get my life back. I went from suicidal and sleeping all day and taking lots of pills to taking 1 pill per day and enjoying my life.
    Good luck.

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  • Iamagirl

    I wonder why she isn't the same?? Sorry. I think she is depressed and might be doing drugs as her escape. I'm so sorry I can't even believe what she has to go through or yourself. God bless your beautiful self and your beautiful sister, sorry if you don't believe in god. He will still bless you and her.

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  • I am so sorry. The IV painkillers are really addictive. Believe me. It took me about a year and a half to get rid of the urge. Try to get her out of it.

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    • Terry...

      As I mentioned in a prior post, worrying about addiction with a terminal patient is a waste of time and not realistic. The most important concern is pain control in order to keep them comfortable. If they become addicted in the short time they have left, what does it really matter?

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  • kdog909

    Lots of people get addicted to pain killers after originally getting them for a legitimate reason. It's very common, I work in the healthcare field and see it all the time. In your sister's case, having cancer probably made her very depressed and gave her tons of anxiety, which would make her even more likely to become an addict as a way to cope with her problems

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  • Mastersash

    *prayers for her*

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  • Those are all horrible drugs and the docter is a dumbass.... You dont take those unless your on your death bed

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    • Terry...

      That's not true. People with cancer can suffer from debilitating pain for years before they are "on their death bed". Many times the pain can be so bad that only heavy narcotics can take the edge off and to not have the pain controlled is inhumane.
      People who are terminal deserve to have a decent quality of life like anyone else and for some of them, that requires strong medication, otherwise they can literally go insane from horribly intense pain. No one wishes that on anyone.
      Thank goodness we now have the ability to make their finally years, months or days more comfortable. Not that long ago, we didn't have the knowledge to do that.
      Pain control is a huge part of the care plan for someone dying of cancer. To deny them access to that would be beyond unfathomable.

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  • Well she has cancer.....what do you expect? She is alot weaker and suseptable to illness, and cancer brings pain too. Please be understanding, it takes a huge toll on all of us. Ill pray for her.

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  • rockerxchick313

    I used to have a boyfriend who i was very close to and cared about alot who was addicted. I know how you feel because i was so scared. To be quite honest even though its over i still worry about him. Its not like i can stop caring. And youll never stop caring about your sister. Dont be afraid and make sure you dont lose her..

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    • babe308

      I am scared. Scared to death. But what I find odd is the first 22 years of her life she was on top of the world. Healthy as could be, beautiful tall, tan, with long curly red hair and big brown eyes, straight A student, had an amazing job, I envied her. She didn't do drugs, she did get drunk alot though, which now she cannot. But what I'm trying to say is no one could have ever guessed she had a brain tumor. The doctors told her the tumor has been growing in her brain her whole life.

      After she was date-raped she started realizing what had happened the night before, and her first panic attack happened. Then they found out she had a brain tumor. It was cancer. They cut open her head and after that her life changed so drastically she was not the same person anymore.

      I have no clue what she's going through, I expect nothing from her but to just be here. I will be here for her always and cherish every moment I have with her. I just want to help her though. I really think her drug use is not healthy.

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  • She gonna die soon...... What's the point in make up or doing shit.

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    • Don't be so crass and insensitive!

      Grow up and come back when you've got something appropriate to add.

      To the OP, I'm sorry that your sister is so ill, all I can say is be there for her and let her know how much you love her.

      Try to make her smile as much as you can, and hug her often if she'll let you. Good luck. *hug*

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