My sister in law makes me depressed?
So she's actually really nice but she's also an extreme narcissist and has literally thousands of friends. She throws huge house party's at her husband's mansion, she never had a job, doesn't have or want kids and she's constantly posting on FB and Instagram photos of her body and her house parties. She doesn't allow followers she doesn't know yet she literally gets 5000+ likes on each post and has 13,000+ followers all people she actually knows and hangs out with. She's literally got thousands. She even personally knows celebrities one being a major actress.
I don't know why but it just gets to me.
I don't have any friends, I only have my husband and he's really distant lately where we don't talk much and he just spends time playing video games. I feel really lonely and I feel like I'm missing out in life.
She invites me over but the last time I was with her it was just supposed to be the two of us bonding and she invited 6 friends without telling me and it's always like this.
Anyway not sure why I'm writing this. I just feel really lonely and like I'm missing out. I have a disability so I can't leave the house much but I do work full time. It's just so depressing. Is this normal to feel this way?