My son-in-law is really excited to have a baby, iin?

My daughter, who has been trying to conceive for 3 years now, has announced that she is pregnant and the family is very happy to have a new addition. But her husband is taking this in a completely different direction.

He has already decorated the child's room, bought a car seat and placed it into the back of his car, baby proofed the home, read a book about pregnancy and early childhood, if the baby were to come tomorrow, he would be totally prepared! He tells everyone about his new baby and how far along my daughter is and he is extremely pumped about having a child. He cleared out the whole week of the due date so he could be there with my daughter and be the first that the baby sees, and my daughter will be 3 months pregnant next week.

I have never seen this behavior from a man before. Is it normal for my son and law to be this excited over having a baby?

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95% Normal
Based on 64 votes (61 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Of course it's normal.

    Why shouldn't he be excited? In fact why does this bother you?

    I mean he's treating your daughter well and it sounds like he's going to be a very good father to your grandchild. Hell it sounds sweet.

    Why do people think men aren't suppose to care?

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    • I dont know, I've just never seen a man behave like this before.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        In a way I feel bad for you then... if you think it's normal for men to not be that enthused about starting a family.

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  • joybird

    I'm sort of curious as to why you think it may not be normal?

    Did you think he was a real waster?

    Do you think he is too happy to be real?

    A very strange question to even ask IIN.

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    • Its just kind of weird. Most guys I know that are his age (27) would rather be out partying and such, not spending their Saturday nights at home bouncing a fussy baby to sleep.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        Would you prefer he left your daughter home alone to care for the baby while he went out to party?

        I mean you think it's not normal... but do you want it to change? Do you want him to care less about your grandchild?

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      • joybird

        haha Maybe he will get a rude awakening when his fantasy becomes reality and your daughter will have to hunt him down to drag him out of the bar ;o)

        Only joking, I hope he will be a wonderful father to your grandchild!!

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  • KeddersPrincess

    YES!!! OF COURSE IT'S NORMAL!! This is a big time in his life. He's about to become a father. I would think that it would be abnormal if he didn't care.

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    Would you rather him taken off and ran away like some men do when they find out they are having a baby?
    Yes it is normal. Some men can't wait to have a child, just like women.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Anyone that's been trying to have a baby for three years would be excited when they're finally going to have one. The fact that he has everything ready means that he'll be a great father.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    They have been trying for 3 years. Of course he is exuberant..

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I guess I could understand why you might find it a little strange. It is still pretty early in the pregnancy, and if something should happen(God forbid something should), he's already told everybody you can think of about it, and even bought a bunch of stuff too. It would be horrible having to explain to everyone if something were to go wrong.

    But in a more positive light, its a good thing he's happy and well prepared. And lets be honest, who wouldn't be excited when they're expecting? And actually, some guys might not be as great of a guy as your son in law. If anything, your daughter is blessed to have a guy like that as her husband. He sounds like he'll be a great father. Your daughter and her baby are lucky! Anyway, best wishes! :)

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  • lateboy1

    Millions of single moms would love to have your son in law as their husband, but here you are questioning if this is normal, sounds more like jealousy to me, jealous of the feeling not of him, just to make it clear.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Of course it's normal! Why must you even question the normality on this?! I'm willing to bet if it was the other way around and he was a female, you wouldn't even give "her" actions a second thought.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I will be that excited when my first baby comes! That is a huge deal!

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  • Aww that's so cute! (: x

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  • mirandaclark

    It's normal amongst some men. My big bro was kind of like that. :)

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  • anti-hero

    Your son and the police are excited?

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    • Haha whoops.

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      • anti-hero

        Sorry had to say it haha

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  • Shackleford96

    It shames me to know that society has gotten to the point where the normality of a story like this is being questioned.

    Yes, that is normal, and every man should be so excited and prepared to be a father.

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  • Goon

    No, it's not normal at all. Men don't have emotions. Thus your son in law is clearly a woman or perhaps an alien. Which raises the question of who the father is.

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  • CrazyButBeautiful

    Yes its normal :) Super cute too. Ur just not use to this type of display from a man; lets face it, until 10 yrs ago it was not okay for men to show emotion. Emotion was a "female characteristic." Deep down, all guys are just as emotional, except for the really effed up ones, but that can apply to women, like myself, as well ;)

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  • cookiesaregreat

    It sounds like he'll make a great father.

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  • flax

    You should be happy! At least he's not like one of those Jerry Springer or Maury types.

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  • DannyKanes

    Sure, because having a baby isn't an exciting thing.

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