My spiritual experience

This story is no word of a lie. Believe what you want, what I experienced was beautiful and hope you will experience it one day too, I believe it is possible for ANYONE. (And I'm not a Christian or religious in any way).
One morning I was dreaming that I was in an underground place, like a dungeon. I took a step forward and I heard voices. Then I woke up. I was NO LONGER DREAMING, I woke up, it was broad day light and I was fully aware of my surroundings. I felt a hand on the back of my head lightly touching me. I was so scared but I didn't move because it felt familiar somehow. I continued to hear the voices, they were whispering like you would hear on a typical cheesy horror movie. Then I felt this rush through my body, like wind blowing through my body and high vibrations. I started to feel a sensation as though my body was leaving the physical plane and my soul was sinking into the bed. It was such an unusual, profound and powerful,feeling that I felt like I had felt before, however accompanied with a strong sense of fear, like if my soul left my body for too long, I could die. I felt like I could roar and travel miles in any direction at thousands of miles per hour. But then it started to disappear. I thought the process was complete but nothing had changed. I sat up in my bed and thought, "That was amazing" and went about my day with a smile on my face.

Something remained, It felt like it was something you could eventually control, if you studied, practiced and discovered the state that engaged this bizarre state of living. Has anyone ever experienced anything similar?

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Comments ( 23 )
  • rawrinator

    Sounds like the Astral Plane you visited. Energy in turn becomes vibrations that pulsate through us. In the physical realm, we are generally not aware of all the energy/waves passing through our bodies, but it actually is happening. You seem to have entered a state of being where you were spiritually sensitive, this is usually achieved through meditation, so it's remarkable that it randomly happened to you.
    I have studied energy and mediation for years, and could probably answer some questions you have about it :)
    I believe it's true, keep the experience in your mind, and strive to experience it again.

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    • Kie3PO

      I am striving to achieve it again. And yes I realise it is usually achieved through meditation and am surprised that it happened spontaneously. But something was different that morning, I woke up with a much more relaxed state of mind than usual (because usually I have a lot on my mind like pressurizing myself to go to the gym and I'm in my final year of my degree). Once I finish my degree, I am going to concentrate on learning about how to achieve it manually. Have you practiced it yourself?

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  • suckonthis9

    Welcome to a New Age of Enlightenment.
    Try not to use the word 'soul', it's something different.
    Be very careful, there is good and bad in there, together.
    They sometimes like to play tricks, don't let it get to you.
    Keep good thoughts.

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    • Kie3PO

      Thanks for your comment, but if it isn't your soul, then what is it?

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      • suckonthis9

        It is your Sentience.

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        • Kie3PO

          You have illuminated me for something new to learn about, thanks!

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          • suckonthis9

            You are most welcome!

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  • Irvin

    I know what you are talking about. You almost had an astral projection, but fear kept you from going all the way. This is very dangerous. I used to have these experiences all the time when I was younger. But I had them because I opened a door through occult practice. You might have opened a door too. It will take me a very long time to fully explain what you must do. One thing I will say is, I was wrong, I didn't believe in God either, now I do, and God is the only one that can save you.

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    • rawrinator

      Stop projecting your beliefs on to others, if you believe it that's fine and I will respect that but AT LEAST say "I believe god is the only one who can save us" and not state it like it's absolute truth. Your truth is not everyone's truth, you know.
      Also you clearly know nothing about the occult because the "occult" can't just "open a door" to some crazy dimension. I have been a practicer my entire life and it's all based on meditation and bettering yourself. There is no crazy demon spell or ritual that will make this happen. Please stop ruining people's perspective on things x_x

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      • Kie3PO

        I agree. If they want to express their religion they should own what they say rather than trying to project it.

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  • duckman985

    I'd be careful. Learn some witchcraft before you try to revisit the astral plane. Not all spirits are nice. Some will kill you.

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  • CreativeThinker

    Yeah u r gifted with a good soul it is a stage which takes years of practice for ordinary people,just keep yourself away from filthy acts most specifically prostitutes/sex out of marriage, keep yourself clean as much as u can if u want to experience it again,

    And start studying spiritualism, Almost all religions confirms soul travelling

    And if u want to control it and experience it again and again start meditation the easiest way is as under

    Dim room lights close your eyes and concentrate on your heart and imagine your heart is made of glass and glowing like a light bulb in either red or golden colour whatever u feel easy to visualize,and then imagine the creator of heaven and earth is watching you, Do it daily for at least ten minutes, I hope at first try u will experience that out of body again

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    • Kie3PO

      I believe there is something in this universe which creates balance in life, I believe in fate and karma. Although I pray to God when things get tough, I don't truly believe in God and I am not religious. Also I do not believe souls are necessarily connected with religion, I just believe that humans consist of more than just flesh, blood, bone, water and electricity (the human body is just a shell which our souls utilize).

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      • CreativeThinker

        And yes our soul use our body as shell and fortunate people can even become immortal by discovering this great gift to humanity, Don't waste your time to make people believe u,If u really meant what u said ,if u really experienced what u described then believe me u r one of few hundred lucky people,

        Just don't waste this gift just make ur believe firm that there is a force who created you,just try to find that force that is the only way to discover all hidden forces within yourself

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        • Kie3PO

          No-one has ever become immortal.

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      • CreativeThinker

        Yeah u r absolutely correct, Congratulations u r on right path one day you will discover the meaning of life, U don't need to believe in any religion but at least you must believe in some force who created this complex universe, Try to discover that force usually known as GOD :)

        Use your spirituality and next time you fly try to fly towards that force, Wish u good luck

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        • Kie3PO

          Yes that is the "usual" term. But I don't believe I possess the "usual" thinking capacity as most people. I am no sheep.
          Thanks for your wishes.

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  • rin

    Out of body experience/ Astral projection?

    Never experienced it but I'm not going to say I don't believe it's true.

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    • Kie3PO

      I think I was about to project but it didnt get that far think you're right.

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    • karmasAbich

      I thought it sounded like astral projection as well. Ha

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  • Wierdmyself

    sounds like one my dreams... I sometimes feel things in my dreams.

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  • Not going to lie, I either think you're lying or you were still sleeping and dreaming this.Sometimes people dream things that seem very realistic. The part where you mention that you came back to your body in your bed and sat up after you returned to your body just edges the whole "you were dreaming" point.

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    • Kie3PO

      I definitely was not dreaming, I woke up. My head was in the pillow and I thought of shouting for my dad but I waited and eventually it disappeared and when it did, I got up, not woke up

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