My teacher tried to screw me over part 2 of 2
I want to take the teacher and principal to court and get my damages paid (excess stress from getting kicked out of an AP class mid semester right before finals, especially because it's a required credit to graduate. As well as my teacher flirting with me and giving me extremely personal information all year that was inappropriate to provide me with in the first place, as well as trying to pin this on me and blame me for being interested in her offer) and I don't know what to do, I want the principal and teacher to regret ever treating me like this. I'm a well rounded student and I work hard for the goal of graduation which just seems to get further and further away the more that this shit school system here gets involved. I'm the victim of everything that has transpired, and for what? Being mislead by a teacher I had the hots for? What can I do? And of course... Is it normal?