My wife doesn't like intimate touching/kisses/hugs/etc.
I am trying very hard to understand and come to terms with things I've encountered in my marriage of 6 years...
I am a very sensitive, sensual, loving man. I express my feelings most often through hugging/snuggling, but also will give a gentle touch, tell her how much I love her, hold her hand, and try to look her in the eyes (she often averts/looks away) and also try to kiss her (she often doesn't let it happen or expresses disgust).
She, on the other hand, is not a touchy-feely person in the least bit these days. She used to be a little (she never rejected my hugging her or spooning at night, etc), from what I remember of the earliest days of our marriage and prior... Although she has never liked to kiss... At this point, however, most often when I try to be near her, I am met with either outright rejection, or I essentially have the feeling that she is "putting up with it".... She doesn't really seem to enjoy the moment(s) at all, no matter how great other aspects of our life (together) may be at the time.
This has been going on cyclically since my wife became pregnant with our youngest child, who is now 5 years old. It seems almost like she has a phobia to intimacy -both emotional and physical. (Even after I back off to give her space, the moment things begin to heat up for us again, the rejections start all over.) I get blamed for "causing" her behavior by making intimacy (as well as sex) an "issue", yet she is perpetuating things by continuing to behave negatively even when I have made significant changes myself to correct what she feels is "wrong". Her cold/grumpy behavior seems to come and go in cycles. The thing is, she has a huge heart and I know she cares deeply about things... I just don't understand how it is that she can disconnect that same care and concern in her heart when it comes to the things that matter the MOST to her own husband!
I know she loves me, and I know she is not cheating or anything like that.... But in the end, I am left feeling rejected, hurt, and alone while living with and sleeping next to the woman I am madly in love with... While she continues to hurt my feelings on a regular basis by pushing me away and getting upset with me when I express frustration about how it makes me feel when my passionate spark/flame is met with a huge bucket of ice water day after day. I am left wondering.... is this normal for her to behave like this? Am I normal for feeling wronged, hurt, and sad after weeks upon weeks of being treated like a "roommate" instead of a loving/loved husband?
I keep holding on to the thought that maybe she will realize what this is doing to our marriage and decide to change her ways. Am I fooling myself for holding on to that hope?