My worst fear is being mentally ill and not knowing

I am paranoid about being paranoid. even if I am sure I am alone in my house and there is no one around, I am scared that I could hallucinate or imagine something happening and not being in control of my own mind. sometimes I imagine that I see things moving out the corner of my eye and I know there is nothing there but I am scared that I might see something that isn't there

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Comments ( 5 )
  • 1knotted

    I recently lost my wife to Alzheimers (a mental disease). Her doctor & I knew it over 7 years prior. Discussed the disease with her doc. in her presence, but she never understood that she was ill. She became violent because she couldn't remember things. It was horrible to watch her go thru this.

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  • pixie44

    So confused sorry lol

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  • rainforestrain

    I can relate to this, it's terrifying!

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  • Twickers

    Everybody's crazy one way or another. It's the quirks that make Embrace the craziness. Life's too short to be sane about it.

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  • NobodyKnows

    I have a similar fear, that I'm retarded and don't know it.

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